Now I am even more confused. What about your comment -
From what I have read, I reckon you were spot on with this statement and what is happening today with both programs confirms this.
By the way, why are you now saying the 'F-22 is not that aircraft'?
Again, from all I have read so far and been told by professional associates in the industry and DoD in the USA, the F-22 is, by design, a far superior aircraft to the JSF. By 2010, when the JSF is still at Block 1 status, the Raptor's overall capabilities will still be far in excess of even the Block 4 JSF currently in planning as the first post SDD upgrade (presently circa 2015). Apparantly, but not surprisingly, there are physical constraints that prevent the JSF coming anywhere close to the capabilities of the F-22.
This view is further reinforced by the interview with LtGen David Deptula, Vice Commander of USAF PACAF, that appeared in Defence Today recently.
If you haven't seen his comments, will try to get a link.
If you have reason to disagree, would welcome the opportunity to hear why this is the case.
As to your comments about 'TRYING', why hasn't Defence tried?
What happened back when 'Air 6000 was in full swing' and the Americans were prepared to sell Australia the F-22?
Who is saying the Americans won't make them available to Australia today?
Can anyone shed any light on these?