RPG-7 AT and MEP: a system with anti-tank and anti-structure capabilities
Today’s military battles and operations take place in a variety of environmental situations. Often difficult terrain or confined urban situations confront the soldier with adversaries hiding in buildings, behind sand-bags or other structures. Thus protected it is difficult to effectively fight this enemy.
This is especially evident in LIC (Low-Intensity-Conflict) and MOUT (Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain) operations where there are additional space, confinement and collateral damage considerations to be considered. On the other hand todays’ soldier, whose mobility is key to success is still faced with heavily armoured MBT’s (Main Battle Tanks), AIFV (Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicles) and APC’s (Armoured Personnel Carriers), which need a powerful shape charge to achieve penetration. Man-portable anti-tank weapons with conventional shape charges often lack the penetration capability to destroy a MBT. The ideal solution would be a warhead capable of defeating both target types described above.
RUAG Land Systems Warhead Division considers this as very difficult for shoulder fired systems due to weight and cost reasons. We therefore propose a different approach: one warhead for the anti-structure targets and one warhead for anti-tank missions. This solution has been fully developed for the RPG-7 launcher. Both proposed warheads have outstanding capabilities which will be highlighted in the next paragraphs.
The shape charges developed and manufactured in RUAG’s premises are more powerful than any other and can therefore develop a penetration capability which is sufficient to destroy a MBT but still be small and light enough to fit on a man portable system. Even against MBT’s with ERA (Explosive Reactive Armour) the tandem warheads of RUAG such as the one for the RPG-7 will have a destructive effect.
RUAG disposes also of patented manufacturing processes. This also adds to the truly superior performance of the shape charges. Iso-static pressing and shrink-fit assembly of our warheads guarantee that the perforation capacity of the shape charge is always the same over the complete temperature range. These manufacturing processes will also yield a far better penetration at long stand-offs.
The RPG-7 MEP (Modular Explosive Penetrator) offers a very effective and cost-efficient means to deliver fragments and blast behind a protection regardless of the battlefield scenario facing the modern warfighter.
MEP is the ideal infantry weapon combining anti-structural and anti-armour ability to defeat a range of targets from light armour, bunkers, barricades and helicopters, defensive installations, radars, CP structures and buildings, MEP is ideally placed to defeat all of these target types with no collateral damage, meaning that there is no explosion which could harm the shooter or people outside the target of interest.. The penetration capabilities are really unique: 25 cm double reinforced concrete, a triple-brick wall, 120 cm of sandbags and 50 mm of Aluminium or 12.5 mm of RHA will be penetrated, before delivering the blast and fragments.
25cm double reinforced concrete target
MEP is a slow flying penetrator based on new penetration mechanics. After the penetration of the armour or structure, MEP will explode, delivering an effect spectrum which is today mainly based on fragments and enhanced blast. The possibility to use the MEP technology as a wall breacher is also given.
The solution proposed by RUAG gives the unique possibility not only to defeat any modern MBT by enhancing the penetration capabilities of the RPG-7 to an extent that has been impossible up to now, but also to give this weapon completely new possibilities in operation. And this without having to retrain the soldiers on a new system or to buy new launchers or a new system. These developments will help to keep the RPG-7 system in service for quite a few years.