Advantage of AWACS


New Member
As for how many other countries have used AEW in combat conditions, not sure, but I'd say it's likely that the various US allied nations that participated alongside the US in GWI/Desert Storm, in Bosnia/Kosovo and GWII had some exposure to using them, at least on a receiving end.
Don't forget that the NATO itself has some (17) E-3 based at Geilenkirchen here in Germany (a few minutes from my hometown). They were used with multinational crews during the Bosnia crisis AFAIK. Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, and the United States share these planes that are used in NATO operations worldwide.
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New Member
agian please stop posting political comments this is about awacs i was just asking why was israel was so scared of saudi arabia having an awacs. is it really that effective? that was the question i wasnt trying to offend israel in anyway and i wasnt trying to discuss anything political i just wanted to know what the advantage of an AWACS is thats all.
thnx anyway.
Israel bombed the reactor in Iraq in 1981 (however, the satellite/U2, photos Israel needed before the raid weren't taken by them... another country provided them with pretty good aerial photography of the reactor's progress, etc... but that's another story).

Iran/Iraq war began.

Saudi Arabia could have cared less about Israel, they cared about themselves. Both: Iraq, Iran posed a threat to Saudi interests... sort of like Gulf War I and Gulf War II.

I have my reservations about the Saudi AF, especially at that time, I'm not sure where the pilots/crew were going to come from to fly the AWACS?!

The AWACS sale wasn't a threat to Israel, it was a threat to Iraq (mainly) and Iran that the saudis didn't want a retaliation strike coming from either of them-- especially not over Saudi Arabia. Israel was/is using american aircraft that could be directed by those AWACS and "whoever was flyig them." The Saudis weren't going to help out those F-14s in Shia'a Iran either.

Now to answer your question; Isreal wasn't "scared of the AWACS." It's called ME Politics 101. The Saudis had to act pissed about Israel using Arab (Saudi) air-space to bomb Iraq's reactor. The AWACS sent the message to both Iraq and Iran that Israel wasn't going to be flying their way again, while it allowed Israel, "to know" nobody was flying their way either. Israel had to throw a fit for eveyone in order to let the Arab world know "how upset Israel was about these threatening new aircraft that the Arabs now had, and this was more than suffecient punishment for Israel's actions against Iraq."

We, (US) were pretty much arming both Iran and Iraq so they could fight each other for as long as possible. The last thing we wanted was Iraq or Iran turning their attention towards Israel or vice-versa.


Super Moderator
...Another think to keep in mind about AEW is the other possible uses for the capability. AFAIK Mexico and Brazil are starting to field the Erieye (from Embraer 145s I think) for sure in anti-smuggling ops and monitoring rain forests. The underlying mission for an AEW is really to provide surveillance/recon/intel information.

Brazil has been doing that ever since its Erieyes came into service 4 years ago. It was always envisaged as the primary role of the EMB-145SA, called the R99A by the Brazilian air force. There's also an EMB-145RS, or R99B, equipped for ground surveillance with synthetic aperture radar, IR sensing, etc., which is the model used for rain forest monitoring. But both are perfectly capable of full military use, & intended for it. They routinely vector combat aircraft onto suspicious contacts.


New Member
Agreed. Erieye, for example, is less capable than the current E-3 (note that E-3 has been regularly upgraded: it's a very different system now than it was 20 years ago). But it's also much smaller, lighter, & cheaper, & can be fitted to a variety of platforms fairly easily. If you can't afford more than one or two E-3, several Erieye-equipped EMB-145s or whatever could be far superior, for your needs. Horses for courses.
Ok we get this that the E3 Senatry is the best in the world .. Which one come 2nd in the list and how we compare the Phalcon, Erieye, Y-8 are the superior to each other technically ..

Can Awacs tracks Subs ??


Ok we get this that the E3 Senatry is the best in the world .. Which one come 2nd in the list and how we compare the Phalcon, Erieye, Y-8 are the superior to each other technically ..

Can Awacs tracks Subs ??
It isn't the the E-3 is the "best"... just that the current advanced versions are not the same beast as the original E-3 of yesteryear. Also, trying to rank the platforms tends as mentioned, to get into size-measuring contests...

As for an AEW being able to detect a sub, it can if the sub is surfaced or is snorting (diesels).



New Member
Well, basically, the AWACS helps to carry our survelliance and c2bm(command and control, battle management) functions. To put it simply, its just another pair of eyes that gives early warning, and gives specific co-ordinates to the pilots, telling them the exact location of where their target is. :)