ADF: "Needs more troops"


Active Member
AD are you refering to the recruiting standards being made purposely high? You could well be right I know in my home state there is a similar problem to Police recruiting as well so much so that overseas people are being brought in as apparantly the locals arent up to scratch??? You would think that if there are limited number of positions in the ADF then standards would increase so that only the upper level applicants get through and vice versa.

Aussie Digger

knightrider4 said:
AD are you refering to the recruiting standards being made purposely high? You could well be right I know in my home state there is a similar problem to Police recruiting as well so much so that overseas people are being brought in as apparantly the locals arent up to scratch??? You would think that if there are limited number of positions in the ADF then standards would increase so that only the upper level applicants get through and vice versa.
Exactly. How can they justifiably argue that 75% of all ADF applicants are unsuitable? Surely the majority of those 83,000 inquiries would be turned away if they didn't meet the basic requirements, but 75% of FORMAL applications are unsuitable? I have serious reservations about this being accurate. It seems MUCH more likely that ADF applicants are being deliberately restricted...


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
Aussie Digger said:
Exactly. How can they justifiably argue that 75% of all ADF applicants are unsuitable? Surely the majority of those 83,000 inquiries would be turned away if they didn't meet the basic requirements, but 75% of FORMAL applications are unsuitable? I have serious reservations about this being accurate. It seems MUCH more likely that ADF applicants are being deliberately restricted...
I worked on the 1998 review team for General P Duncan when the ADF was evaluating the outsourcing model (eventually won by Manpower). At that point in time the drop out rate was max 15% - and they were prepared to take almost what we referred to as "warm and verticals".

75% sounds like a deliberate streaming. I can't see that the quality of the recruits has gone up - so I suspect that there are budget issues in play where they're running "holding pens" for the majority of applicants.

The standard might have been bumped to get people more suited for Commando and Reaction groups - but that was short term only.

A 75% drop out rate is unheard of. SASr are as high as 90% - but you've got to be already assessed as infantry material anyway. I have no idea what the "straight from civvy" specwarrie recruitment dropout rate is.


Aussie Digger

The 75% failure rate for Special forces direct entry is probably right and I hope it is. Aussie specwarries are of the highest quality for a reason and that is extremely high recruiting and training standards.

But the 75% I referred to earlier was in relation to ALL applicants for ADF positions whether Army, Navy or Air Force. The White Paper indicated an increase from 51,500 personnel to 54,000 personnel in 2000. They have yet to achieve it and a lack of funding CAN ONLY be the answer.

The majority of those extra positions was to be in Arms corps units within the Army to "bolster the sharp end". These positions are the easiest to fill, generally requiring no specialist knowledge or training PRIOR to entering the army. Yet serious holes remain in the Army's manning levels and they haven't filled their quota...


Banned Member
The SF direct recruiting scheme is a good way of recruiting members into Army. AS those that are not successful after completing the Basic recruit training are required to serve the initial minimum period in the general Army. If unsuccessful but capable the may get employed in another trade in the SF OP command. So it serves two purposes gets more SF operators in while upholding the high standard of OZ SF operators and produces more general entry bodies. A lot of TRG and SOG members have applied in the past, not all have made it though.

Aussie Digger

I was under the impression the direct entry scheme soldiers were given the "option" of joining the "Green" Army if they didn't make the grade for the specwarries. I didn't think they were "required" to join though. Do you have a source to prove that? Am curious that's all. Cheers.


New Member
Does anybody know which jobs they are short of in the army? Like rifleman, electrician, etc. Could you just phone a recruiting center and ask?


Banned Member
Yeh AD the source is the ADF you should be able to find info about the (ECN079) and the requirements for initial minimum period of service. Try a search for info on (ECN079) you will find this info in there I believe, as the ADF are up front about the policy.

If you complete basic training, but fail to make the grade of commando you WILL be required to complete your min period of service (4yrs) in the general Army.


New Member
They can discharge if they aren't found suitable for Special Forces after basic training. If they continue though, they have to sign up for 4 years.

Initial Minimum Period Of Service
All personnel enlisting for service as a Commando (ECN 079) are required to serve for an initial minimum period of service of four years. However, you are not required to accept this until you have completed your Recruit training and are recommended for service in Special Forces at the Special Forces Interview Board. At this point you are required to accept an initial period of service of four years to be eligible to commence Infantry Initial Employment Training.

If you are unsuccessful in completing your recruit training, you can seek 'discharge at own request' and are not required to complete the initial minimum period of service. However, if you are unsuccessful at Infantry Initial Employment Training or any subsequent Commando training after that, choose to withdraw from the scheme, or if are found to be unsuitable for service as a Commando, you will be required to complete your initial minimum period of service within the general Army.

In this case, you will also be given the opportunity to be employed in another trade within Special Operations Command or another trade within the general Army. This will be negotiated on a case by case basis. This is designed to ensure the ADF recovers reasonable value from its investment in your training and development.

Applications to resign or transfer to the Reserves from personnel who have not completed their initial minimum period of service will not normally be approved unless compassionate or otherwise compelling personal reasons exist.
From here