Chinese Government
Lancer MC: Precisely.
I would phrase it even more strongly: Peoples Republic of China is a disaster waiting to happen - it is not that I'm anti-chinese; but I see to many similarities with the situation just before both WW1 and WW2 for comfort.
The bust is to come; but will China chose the way of the japanese: Starting a war before the USA was ready - or the path of the Soviet Union under Gorbachev: Turn it which way you want: This isn't going to work.
I'm afraid that it will be the first option, as there are great personal cost to the realistic approach - which few politician have the personality to stomach.
You are really anti-chinese or really-not-understand china. Let me explain the real situation to you.
China is a country without the strategic pressure from other countries like the WWII times Germany, and without such dictatorship of Hitlar. Chinese president is always seeking a way to:
i) Improve self economy to be a powerful nation
ii) Improve relationship with others countries like Europe, Africa, and S. America and also USA in a peaceful way, hope to be strategic and economic partner
iii) resist and potential threat from Japan, India and hopefully solve out the Taiwan issue.
iv) And quite important one: Solve out he internal proverty problem, senior officers corruptsions, and many other issue like counterfeit and posion food.
China military power is just 20% compared to USA, she got no super air superiority, no hundreds of warships, evern no aircraft carriers and stealthy bombers which is solely desgined for offense position. No mention that she would start a war.
Try study more about china history. China is a really wonderful nation with a talent on self-destroy, and really without ambitions like US and Japan. While Japanese is crazy, and eveyone knew that, esp in WW2, even in current situation, Japan is still wanting to be Asian super power, they have a special emotion (the right side politics) to beat china, to kill chinese, and of course destroy china at all cost. After doing that, imaginably, then the next target is US, it is undoubedly, so I really don;t understand US why helping Japan in this way, money? Japanese is just such a nation, without trust without loyalty, just offense ambitions. Don;t you see their effort on building aircraft carrier, nuclear weapons? (Why I say about Japan, Let us compare these two giants in Asia you will understand)
While Why I said china is a nation with a talent on self-destroy. On Mao's leadership, CHina is almost jumped back to stone age after his few revolutions including Clutural and Economic one. While to Wo now, they finally got the power and money to do what Japanese hoping to do, at least with modernize military power, esp nuclear weapons in thousand of continental ballistic missiles armed. This is the power enough to destroy US + Japan + taiwan manytimes. You trust the anti-missles system? Hope you not...If they really want to be the super power in the Japanese way, they will wait here and just sit here continuing manufacturing your shoe? No, they are definitely going to occupy Japan, Taiwan, and even south asia just like Janpanese did. If they really those country you said about, they will handle the N.Korea issue like that? Why keep a nuclear bomb carrying crazy neightborhood, esp so close to Beijing, why don;t just take him out? China vs NKorea is a war with no doubt who will be the easy winner... Why solve that problem with no much peace involved?
You may say without such power comparatively to that time of Japan! Maybe, but why they don;t import more weapons from russia? At least russian wants to sell! The military annual spending of US is 400 billions! 22 billions even plus those without official declarations, 50 billions are the maximum number. Japan? (Do some homework, chech it yourself, the japanese governemnt took so much tax from it's population just because only one things, support her army? What this army do? For self defense only? Check their equipments and distinguish those with offense type and defense type, you'll know that)
So we can conclude one thing: China have no intention to occupy any places, any countries, and any land if it originally not belongs to its own, and don;t mention those it should be belongs to them, such as Taiwan (Special case of coz), Close boundaries between India and China, okinawa (should originally belongs to chinese hundred of years ago, after WW2, japan occupied, and later give to US for military operation, and now belongs to japan already). The chinese leadership always tried to solve things in peaveful way, no military operation even she got such power, but they need to anti-US, in Iraq issue, Iran, they secretly supply and supply weapons to counter US. That is also their tactics, don't start a war, but also stop you start a war. (You and me of coz knew that, Bush solving problem got only one way! "Launch the missles! General!") As US continuing occupy so much spaces, with Iraq and Iran, they will be going to control global oil supply, that is unfavorable option to Europe and Russia, of coz china, so why US army always struck back in Iraq and can't go for Iran? Europe, Russia and China are the dark-side players. Check political board you will know more about that
If you are anti-chinese, then hope that you can get over it...