Only if the helo hasn't localised the sub.
Once the sub is detected, the rest of the world knows the location. It make sense to take out the helo then if the helo is a threat ie ASW torps. Otherwise, the helo will just continue to sound out the location deep or no deep. At least taking out the helo will buy some search-escape time.
Sorry for being exactly out of the thread but continuing the topic that we discuss, we dont need to start a full thread to any topic we might fall in the discussion about the main topic of the thread.
Well this unconfortable iris or similar future developments (or secret ones) have 4 missiles in each "torpedo" capsule, so if more helos come to that zone they could be shooted as well, we will develope the doctrine (from our exchange programs with allies) to face that weapon for example when the pilots in the helo see the missile coming out of the sea they will jump with the rescue suit to the sea...

3 But at least they save the life and will know where it is the hostile sub, i would suggest a rear view mirror..
Of course this weapon is still for development and the helos has other sensors apart from the active sonar (that is what the sub might more realise about the helo, to know that and launch the missile or come near surface for lpi radar etc..). But imagine a couple of subs with 8 missiles they could answer some helos, not just one, the range of the missile is 20 kms, the range of the torpedo from the helo is 11 kms. But we dont know ranges of helos sonar, or sub´s abilities to detect helos or planes or details of that weapon. But i wouldnt say that the sub once detected is going to be caught if the hunters are helos, just by knowing an squared zone of x kms around the emerging point of the missile where the sub it was. And here we see a case where having more than 1 torpedo/depth charge in the helo might be important.
Other thing if the sub incident its itself the perimeter of the hostile fleet, because your helo is searching that, and near that perimeter the hostile have helos or destroyers or more subs, you never know.
In this case of this weapon extended commercially to navies, maybe its better to use the ship´s sonar to discover subs, obviously you discover yourself with such a big ping, but it doesnt means that its the main fleet, you might have one awd coupled with anzac ii, for a trip out of the fleet to explore, and once detected a sub send the helo and launch the torpedo without declaring himself using his dipping sonar. For sure the helo its going to arrive later than an asroc which has 22 (rocket)+11 (torp) range, but it will arrive in time anyway, if it fly in that sea conditions.
Essentially we dont need f35b´s like we dont need helos, all we need is very good "harpoons" or sm2´s against the surface ships.
And good ships to be moving to avoid the long range filoguided heavy weight torpedos (50 kms range, 100 km/h speed),
the thing is if with sonar and asrocs (torpedos/deepcharges) we could intercept this heavy weight torpedos! It will be a worthy task to develope that ability if they havent done yet.
