ADF General discussion thread


Well-Known Member
Would those armoured trucks as shown prevent a drone carrying an explosive that can defeat tanks be of use against a direct hit , I had in mind electronic warfare additions to such vehicles trophy being likely to be considered to expensive
No they are not going to stop a guided AP round, but how many un-armoured vehicles are being targeted with expensive anti-tank missiles when a small far cheaper HE round or bomb will do the job. If the enemy has the resources to use Anti-Tank AP weapons against your logistical vehicles than you may be in a lot of trouble.


Just a bloke
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
I'm with @Todjaeger - I don't believe we actually have a strike capability, despite all the words and dollars.

To me, you have to use the USN model, because the stated target is a PRC target. It's fine to throw a handful of RN Tomahawk or MDcN at Houthi, Syrian or Libyan targets. They barely have an air defence network and the targets have little passive defence. Even then, some of those targets needed 30 -50% of Australian stock to hit, partially for redundancy and partially due to the demands of the target - 61 for an airfield and 105 for three targets.

With all that in mind, how many will we need against a PRC target? They have hardening, passive and active defences and much longer detection range. We didn't buy them to hit rebels in Pacific islands, we bought them explicitly to deter Beijing. Which means we have to hit PRC targets... And if you need 100 missiles to kill a single target, what deterrence does killing a whole two PRC targets achieve?

In it's purest definition, we have a strike capability in that we (when delivered) have missiles, platforms, (assumed) targeting, pre- and post-strike ISR, and all the logistics and other FIC needed. But, can I as a professional say, with a straight face, we have a strike capability (let alone one that deters)? Nope.

(And, while searching for the Syrian links.... deja vu! With @Todjaeger featuring too!)
I agree it is not a deterrent. The presence of the entire capability set of the USN (besides boomers) can’t even deter the Houthis and stating that it is a deterrent against the PRC is infantile at best or deluded at worst.

Our capability as in so many areas is a pin- prick, but it IS a capability nonetheless.

old faithful

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Yeah.....Adam Giles......former Chief Minister of the NT....Lib/Nat then......was the minister who sold the TIO and leased the Port of Darwin the PRC......defence......yeah right.