These letters were sent to editors of A must read.
Dear Editors PakNews,
Please publish the following letters sent to yet another anti-Pakistan article of Jim Hoagland published by the Washington Post.
Dear editor Washington Post:
Pakistan and Musharraf virtually put themselves on line to help the US in its war against terrorism, but the anti-Pakistan appetite of Mr. Jim Hoagland continues to grow as it further squeezes and curses Islamabad (Nuclear Resolution by Jim Hoagland Thursday, January 8, 2004; Page A23 ).
More Pakistan delivers, more Hoagland curses Pakistan.
America cursed, condemned, and sanctioned Pakistan after it was used in Afghanistan against the Soviets. Yet Mr. Hoagland expects an excellent past behavior from a cursed Pakistan. Why?
After 9/11, America rushed to Pakistan. Islamabad was threatened and cajoled. Curse and condemnation were sweetened with few billion dollars.
Now that the backbone of Al-Qaida is broken as Pakistan had handed over more than 500 terrorists to Washington, time is ripe for Mr. Hoagland to shore up support to again abandon Pakistan using the nuclear card.
If Pakistan has done something wrong and Mr. Hoagland knew back in 1995 then how come he did not successfully fault and stop Washington from chumming up with Islamabad in recent years?
America and Hoagland cannot selectively use Pakistan and then abandon it hoping that Islamabad would show good behavior. Pakistan's past “bad behavior” is a mere reflection of Washington rotten “use and dump” behavior towards Pakistan.
David Khan
U.S.A. Mr. Hoagland should leave Pakistan alone and harp on Washington flawed foreign policy.
Sincerely, David Khan
Dear Editor,
Please publish the following letter I sent to 'The NewYork Times.'
“I am an ardent lover of your newspaper and would appreciate if you
could post the below mentioned letter in your post.
Thanking you in anticipation.
With reference to New York Times