GI Film Festival Trailer: Chosin In the winter of 1950, 15,000 U.S. troops were surrounded and trapped by 120,000 Chinese...
F 14 B Tomcat Hasegawa F-14 B Tomcat - Hasegawa 1:72 - VF-103 Jolly Rogers - Basic Model Competition 2009...
Eurofighter Typhoon Crash A Typhoon failed to get its nose wheel down. This a series of pictures of the result....
Sukhoi Su-37 Super Flanker Park Jet Here's a flight video of my new Su-37 park jet. Free plans and more...
NYPD :::::::READ THIS BEFORE POSTING:::::: New York Police dept.The best of the best.NYPD has 30,000 officers.One mayor.Serving 8 million people...
Perfect Enemy SU-37 VS F-22 Perfect Enemy Russian jet fighter SU-37 and american F-22 are perfect enemies. Perfect enemy by...
C-17 Globemaster III Dodger Stadium Fly Over A C-17 Globemaster III flies over Dodger Stadium on July 4, 2006
Lockheed F-35 JSF Flight Testing Montage Courtesy Joint Strike Fighter Program/Lockheed Martin/
FA-18 "Super Hornet" Breaks Sound Barrier "This is it!" A FA-18 Super Hornet breaking the sound barrier at the 2009...