UK Ministry of Defence, The positive report from the Defence Select Committee on the MoD's 'Future Capabilities' plans and its endorsement of the MoD's proposals for modernising the Armed Forces were welcomed today by Defence Secretary John Reid.
The MoD's response, published today, provides detailed answers to each of the conclusions and recommendations in the report, which add additional details about the Government's modernisation plans.
The MoD is currently implementing the Future Capabilities programme that will enhance the flexibility, resilience and capabilities of the Armed Forces, so they continue to be well prepared for the most likely operational demands of the future.
Mr Reid said:
“I welcome the Defence Committee's positive report and its endorsement of our proposals for modernising the Armed Forces.
“Our Armed Forces are extremely effective in carrying out the operations they are asked to undertake – from Iraq to Afghanistan to the Balkans. To remain world class, they must continue to adapt to meet the security challenges of both today and the future.
“This is what the programme of change and modernisation set out in the 'Future Capabilities' paper is all about. The end result will be even more deployable, capable and flexible Armed Forces than we have today, prepared to carry out the most likely expeditionary operations.
“This is a challenging agenda – but vital that we deliver it, and the record of success in Defence gives me confidence that we will.”
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