Russia launches military transport plane project with India
MOSCOW: The Russian government allocated $64 million in 2009 to part finance a joint project with India to develop a ...
MOSCOW: The Russian government allocated $64 million in 2009 to part finance a joint project with India to develop a ...
The Government is due to decide next week on military purchase worth hundreds of millions of euros. Finland plans to ...
Brussels: NATO invited Russia Wednesday to send observers to alliance war games in Georgia next month in an effort to ...
MOSCOW: Russia's state arms exporter Rosoboronexport is expecting $7 billion in foreign sales in 2009 despite the ongoing global economic ...
MOSCOW: The development of the fifth-generation jet fighter is one of the most widely discussed issues in Russia's military. What's ...
VLADIVOSTOK: The missile cruiser Varyag, the flagship of Russia's Pacific Fleet, will lead a fleet of foreign warships participating in ...
MOSCOW: A top Russian official on Tuesday accused the US administration of President Barack Obama of intensifying missile defence plans ...
MOSCOW: India will remain the main purchaser of Russian-made combat aircraft for the next 15 years under existing and prospective ...
MOSCOW: Russia has not supplied new shoulder-fired surface-to-air missile systems to Venezuela, a Russian defense industry expert said on Monday. ...
MOSCOW: A senior Russian politician has expressed "surprise" and "indignation" at the contents of a report by an influential U.S. ...