Hagel: Review to Assess Investment, Force Structure Assumptions
As Defense Department leaders defend before Congress the president’s $526.6 billion base defense budget request for fiscal year 2014, DOD ...
As Defense Department leaders defend before Congress the president’s $526.6 billion base defense budget request for fiscal year 2014, DOD ...
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Monday cancelled a new combat medal for US troops who launch drone strikes or cyber ...
The Pentagon late Thursday said North Korea does not have nuclear-armed missiles, playing down an intelligence report leaked earlier in ...
Northrop Grumman Corporation will display an array of global defense and security capabilities including marine navigation and unmanned ground systems ...
As defense budgets are slashed in dire financial times, governments increasingly rely on alliances and cooperation with their partners. Instead ...
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel today signaled possible big changes ahead for his department in acquisition, personnel and organization as he ...
With the U.S. Government facing significant challenges to the overall budget, tough cuts can be expected to the defense budget ...
The Defense Department has revised from 22 to 14 the number of days hundreds of thousands of civilian employees could ...
Army electronic warfare is an evolving capability for the Army. Col. Jim Ekvall, the Headquarters, Department of the Army G-39 ...
It is generally agreed that the additional cuts to the defense budget required by sequestration will do more than just ...