, The Russian Federation will take part in the Euronaval exhibition for the fifth time. Rosoboronexport State Corporation, the sole state intermediary in the sphere of military-technical cooperation with foreign countries, is appointed by the Russian government to be organiser of the united national exposition at Euronaval 2006. The Rosoboronexport's delegation is headed by Vladimir Pakhomov, the first deputy director general.
Rosoboronexport puts special emphasis on naval exports. In 2005 its naval exports moved to the top position in the corporate revenue table.
Under the aegis of Rosoboronexport about twenty Russian defence enterprises will showcase their products (130 items in total) in models and mockups, brochures, booklets and catalogues. For the whole history of Russia's participation in Euronaval exhibitions, its exposition at Euronaval 2006 will be the most representative as regards rented area and number of Russian exhibitors and their exhibits.
Foreign specialists and visitors to the exhibition will be able to acquaint themselves with export versions of modern Russian warships embodying stealth technologies, newest materials and techniques. Such are Project 20382 Tigr small patrol ship (corvette), as well as Project 12300 Scorpion missile boat having powerful armament, high sailing speed and endurance at a relatively small displacement.
Among the exhibits one will see the unique Amur-950 and Amur-1650 fourth-generation submarines, Project 636 low-noise submarine with the integrated missile weapon system, and Zubr air cushion landing ship capable of transporting three tanks weighing up to 131 tonnes, or 10 armoured personnel carriers and 140 troops. Zubr can maintain maximum speed of 60 knots with the endurance of 400 miles.
Referring to the positive experience of Zubr operation by the Hellenic Navy, Rosoboronexport State Corporation offers to foreign buyers another air cushion landing craft – Project 12061 Murena with a lower troops-carrying capacity. Murena can negotiate shoals, rifts, sand beaches, marshes, and water basins overgrown with thick vegetation, at high speeds exceeding 50 knots. The two ships can be very efficient when employed together for transporting peacekeeping troops and fighting against terrorism and drug trafficking. They can also notably enhance naval forces' manoeuvrability and combat resistance.
Export prospects for Russian-made missile and patrol boats are much better now as many navies in the world tend to increase their combat capabilities for littoral operations. Rosoboronexport markets missile boats justly classed among the world's best, such as Project 12421 and Project 12418 Molniya, Project 12150 Mangust, Project 14310 Mirazh, and Project 10412 Svetlyak, displacing from 10 to 550 tonnes and navigating at speeds of up to 50 knots.
Foreign customers are also offered various naval weapons, combat and technical preparation systems intended for installation onboard different ships. Thus, highly rated in the international market are the Moskit, Club, Yakhont and Uran attack missile systems, as well as air defence missile, artillery and anti-submarine weapons.
Rosoboronexport also promotes a special project considered by experts to be one of the most economically tangible. An integrated wide-area sea monitoring system, adapted to concrete conditions of customer countries, is intended to protect military and industrial objects situated in the shelf and on shore. Typical integrated sea monitoring system has adequate flexibility as regards its possible equipment composition, area coverage, and types of missions assigned.
Offers are made to complement monitoring facilities – radars, TV and optical devices, with various means used against trespassers, including patrol boats, helicopters, and shore-based fire assets. The monitoring system has exceptional tactical and technical characteristics when complemented by the Podsolnukh over-the-horizon surface-wave radar, the Russian know-how to control exclusive economic zones. According to estimates made by Russian military research institutes, the integrated sea monitoring system enhances effectiveness of managed forces and assets by 1.7 to 3 times depending on a performed mission type.
Rosoboronexport State Corporation believes that its participation in Euronaval 2006 will foster further development of military-technical cooperation with foreign countries, and negotiations conducted during the exhibition will enhance Russia's positions in the international arms market.
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