Rosoboronexport State Corporation, On 27th July, 2005, the Rosoboronexport State Corporation in cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation presented the latest samples of special-purpose weapons and equipment designed for effective fighting international terrorism and organized crime. The presentation took place at the exhibition hall of the “Sodruzhestvo” Scientific and Technical Center of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The war against terror has become one of the global challenges of the modern world. That is why, Rosoboronexport, being the sole state intermediary agency for export/import of the whole range of military and dual-use equipment, puts the special emphasis in its activity on supplies of special-purpose weapons and equipment.
To date, this kind of equipment is being supplied to more than 50 states (in comparison with approximately 30 states in 2002).
Besides the supplies of special weapons and facilities the Rosoboronexport State Corporation can offer to foreign customers the comprehensive training of special-purpose and antiterrorist units' personnel in Russia or abroad.
Among a wide range of special-purpose facilities and equipment for antiterrorist activities presented by Rosoboronexport there were different disrupters of explosive devices (ED) such as SV-1303 hydro-cumulative ED disrupter capable to exclude initiating of the charge, SV-1324 disrupter set providing destruction of explosive devices by firing fluid jet without initiating the charge they contain, and the SV-1374 impact recoilless hydrodynamic disrupter.
The guests of the presentation had also an opportunity to get acquainted with different equipment for safety remove and deactivation of explosive devices for subsequent evacuation, examination and neutralization, in particular with the SV-1356 ED remote disruption set and the SV-1355 superlight mobile robot. These facilities of multiple applications can be effectively used in the open. Besides audio- and video reconnaissance of subjects and territories in cross-country, urban warfare or indoors, the SV-1355 robot provides also inspection of bottom sides, passenger and luggage compartments of vehicles as well as conducting bomb disposal. The remotely-controlled robotic system is packed in two cases weighting 40 kg. It operates in confined spaces and has a 600 m range of radio-control.
A wide range of the Russian-made weapons of non-lethal action was demonstrated as well at the exposition, including SV-1301 and SV-1317 multi-purpose grenade launchers producing psycho-physiological and stunning effect upon armed terrorists during hostage rescue operations. The grenade launchers can fire different types of ammunition, including tear-gas, sound-and-flash and impact-shock rounds, as well as rounds with rubber pellets or with smoke grenade and other munitions.
Non-lethal weapons were also presented by special grenades of combined action that are used for temporary incapacitation of criminals. The SV-1351 grenade produces combined psycho-physiological and mechanical effect on a perpetrator with its intense flash, sound impulse and rubber shrapnel impact, the SV-1334 sound-and-flash remote-gear hand grenade distracts and stuns criminals, the SV-1357 smoke grenade is used for visibility limitation indoors and in open terrain. The armament of Russian special-purpose units also include effective Plamya-M stationary grenades, Zarya-2, Fakel and Fakel-S sound-and-flash hand grenades as well as Dreif and Gvozd tear-gas grenades.
The organizers presented a wide range of self-defence means
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