, In support of Op TELIC, QinetiQ, acting as system integrator for this Urgent Operational Requirement (UOR) programme, has successfully integrated a Litening III pod onto the Tornado GR4 to provide enhanced target designation for weapon aiming and effectiveness. Initial in-theatre feedback also indicates that the results are of the highest quality.
The work commenced in September 2006 and the resulting operational capability was delivered in theatre at the end of January 2007. QinetiQ, in partnership with the RAF Joint Test & Evaluation Group, under contract from the Tornado IPT, carried out an extensive series of rig, ground and eventual UK based flight trials at MOD Boscombe Down.
This involved working closely with 41(R) Squadron Fast Jet & Weapons Operational Evaluation Unit and integrating the modified Litening III pod onto an in-service Tornado GR4 and with the main on-board computer software provided by the RAF Tornado In-Service Software Maintenance Team (TISMT). In addition, QinetiQ also ensured that the pod was fully qualified for flight and cleared for use with all onboard systems and in service weapons.
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