The so-called “War on Terrorism” is predicated on the assumption that the attack of 9/11 was a simple wanton act of baseless terror, instead of a retaliatory attack against the United States for financing 50 years of the wholesale murder of Palestinians and theft of their land.
There are several assumptions that must be made to support the Bush Administration's excuse to murder Arabs. Perhaps the first would be: Islam supports senseless killings. Nothing could be further from the truth. The second might be that Israelis have a “right” to bulldoze Palestinian homes, farms, and steal their land. Common sense should dictate otherwise. The third being: Israeli Zionism does not expect to rule the world from Jerusalem, when the Zionist manifesto clearly declares that as the stated goal of Zionism.
Before David Ben Gurion brought his ugliness of Zionism to Palestine, both Palestinians and Jews lived side by side in peace, even fighting the Nazis together. The radical element following David Ben-Gurion's Zionism, which he brought to Palestinian Jews, has hosted death and destruction in its wake, and now with President Bush beguiled by not only his own religion, but prodded along by a known war-criminal, and leader of the Israeli Zionist movement Ariel Sharon, the accelerated slaughter of Palestinians speaks directly to the actual Zionist creed. David Ben-Gurion's willingness to forsake all forms of morality in his lust after world dominance is now grotesquely apparent.
The fact that President Bush had to lie to the American People to garner political support for this phony “war on terrorism” and the world's condemnation of both American and Israeli atrocities against not only Palestinians, but also Iraqi Arabs, draws only one logical conclusion: The “war on terrorism” is a phony…….a manufactured farce……. a mere excuse to cover Israeli land-grabbing and genocidal conduct. America's brutality against the Iraqi People and Israel's brutality against Palestinian People bear little difference.
Born in Israel's “facility 1391,” unimaginable torture techniques perfected against Palestinians, in clear violation of the Geneva Conventions, are now routinely used against any captured Arab. The Israelis may have overstepped themselves in the butchery taking place in Gaza and the sympathy they have so carefully milked from an unsuspecting world is waning. Self-serving greed also sends the world a powerful message and history has not be so kind to those societies which flaunt Evil.