Australian Department of Defense, Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) AP-3C Orion aircraft are now even better placed to support Coalition operations in the Middle East, with the introduction of real time video links to support ground forces.
The Tactical Common Data Link (TCDL) provides ground commanders a valuable real time aerial view of their surrounding environment. This helps protect coalition forces by warning them of hostile or suspicious activity.
TCDL is being progressively fitted to the RAAF AP-3C Orion fleet, and is part of a larger series of major capital projects known as the AP-3C Capability Assurance Program (Project AIR 5276 CAP).
The Australian Government approved this upgrade in late 2006. Defence Materiel Organisation delivered the TCDL capability to a very aggressive schedule and under budget through a strategic alliance between the Commonwealth, Tenix Defence and Australian Aerospace known as the P3 Accord.
This upgrade enables RAAF Orion crews to enhance the support already provided to Coalition forces in the Middle East Area of Operation. Since 2003, the Orion aircraft have used their sensitive imagery equipment to track people, vehicles and ships of interest by day or night.
The Orions are traditionally a maritime patrol aircraft, but since late 2003 RAAF Orion aircraft have been conducting overland patrols of Iraq, in addition to watching over international waters in the Persian Gulf.
Their contribution to Coalition operations is rarely publicised because most missions are classified, but the RAAF Orion air and ground crews have won great respect from our allies.
The Air Force Orion detachment in the Middle East includes two aircraft and about 170 personnel, from Number 92 Wing and Numbers 10 and 11 Squadrons, home based at RAAF Base Edinburgh in Adelaide.
In the last four and a half years, Orion aircraft have flown more than 10,500 hours during 1100 sorties over the Middle East.
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