A leading US lawmaker who fears budget cuts could delay modernizing the US nuclear arsenal voiced concern Friday about an...
Ukrainian scientists have developed a unique explosives-disposal technology involving the use of bacteria, a researcher said on Thursday. It takes...
Israel's supreme court on Thursday barred nuclear whistle-blower Mordechai Vanunu from emigrating on the grounds he still poses a threat...
Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday branded Israel as a "threat" to its region, accusing it of owning...
From teenagers brandishing Kalashnikov rifles on the streets of Tripoli to fighters with shoulder-mounted grenade launchers on Libya's front lines,...
Authorities in the ex-Soviet republic of Moldova are hunting the alleged Russian mastermind of a failed plan to sell weapons-grade...
Representative Ed Markey (D-MA) is urging members of the Super Committee to make substantial cuts to the U.S. nuclear weapons...
Russian energy minister Sergei Shmatko on Sunday promised further nuclear cooperation with Iran, after building the Islamic republic's first atomic...
Iran offered on Monday to grant the UN nuclear watchdog "full supervision" of its atomic programme for five years if...
Iran has launched its first production line of carbon fiber, a strategic material used in defense systems as well as...