Asia News Network , One year after the Bali bombing, Thai leaders are still acting hypocritically when it comes to...
, MOSCOW -- Russia has pledged to complete development of a surface-to-surface missile that has been marketed to Iran...
lockheedmartin, DALLAS, Oct. 13 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Lockheed Martin has received a $119 million contract to conduct System Development and Demonstration...
DefenseNews, India and Singapore have signed a defense cooperation agreement that calls for joint air, land and naval exercises to...
AFP, Paris - The Jewish father of two Muslim girls expelled from their school for wearing Islamic headscarves has described...
The Scotsman, HERE is an easy one. What do the former world heavyweight boxing champion, Muhammad Ali, and the British...
PINR, The question of ruling legitimacy in the Muslim world is as old as Islam itself, beginning with the initial...
Telegraph, Tests have revealed that a British peace activist shot in the head by an Israeli soldier is in a...
NYT, THE HAGUE Eight years after the massacre of more than 7,000 Bosnian Muslims, doubts linger about the degree to...