A tender for procuring 56 naval helicopters from abroad at an estimated cost of Rs 9,000 crore was on Tuesday...
Commander, Navy Region Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia (CNREURAFSWA) established Naval Support Facility (NSF) Deveselu Friday, Oct. 10, during an establishment...
Russia's third Borey-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, the Vladimir Monomakh, has finished a comprehensive state trials program in preparation for...
A technological breakthrough will allow any unmanned surface vehicle (USV) to not only protect Navy ships, but also, for the...
HMS Defender has arrived on station to provide vital support to a US Navy carrier task group in the Gulf,...
The Navy established the Information Dominance Forces Command (NAVIDFOR) as the U.S. Navy's newest Type Command, Oct. 1. NAVIDFOR is...
Navy engineers used technologies supporting the science of integration to guide live gun fire onto distant targets, demonstrating a new...
The Israeli military announced on Tuesday it has taken delivery from Germany of a new submarine, the most sophisticated in...
Taiwan's navy fired anti-submarine rockets and guns Wednesday simulating their response if China launched an invasion, as part of the...
The Mistral-class helicopter carrier, the Vladivostok, carrying some 200 Russian sailors on Saturday left the French port of Saint-Nazaire to...