AFP, The French electronics group Thales is hoping for British help to win a contract to build France's second aircraft...
AP, HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (AP) -- A survey of 400 companies shows that Alabama's growing aerospace industry provides more than 139,000...
MENL, JERUSALEM -- Israel has launched a lobbying effort to prevent a U.S. sale of advanced precision-guided air munitions...
, LONDON -- Pakistan and Saudi Arabia plan to increase their defense cooperation.Western diplomatic sources said the two countries...
UPI, BRUSSELS, Oct. 17 (UPI) -- Is NATO, a 54-year old military alliance that saw off the Soviet threat, routed...
CBC, BRUSSELS - Britain found itself caught between its two major alliances on Friday, having to stand up for NATO...
AP, BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - Linking the threat of terror to their economic futures, Pacific Rim leaders heeded U.S. warnings...
AFP, Taiwan reiterated to a top U.S. envoy Oct. 16 that it wanted access to cutting-edge U.S. submarine technology to...