General Dynamics, MADRID, Spain: General Dynamics Santa Barbara Sistemas has signed an eight-year, euro 181 million (US $216.2 million) contract...
US Department of Defense, WASHINGTON: The Iraqi army needs to develop a dependable logistics system and a professional cadre of...
Bell Helicopter, FORT WORTH, TX: Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. company, presented a formal proposal in response to the Army's...
US Army, FORT BLISS, Texas: The 1st Cavalry Division activated the 4th Brigade Combat Team, the first BCT to be...
US Army, WASHINGTON: The Hybrid Electric Humvee, which can operate in silent mode on battery power alone, was run through...
CAE, Inc, MONTREAL: The Canadian Army recently conducted an integrated virtual-constructive war-gaming exercise using CAE
UK Ministry of Defence, A garden gnome stands guard over the underground bunker that would have housed the British government...
Northrop Grumman, HUNTSVILLE: Northrop Grumman Corporation rolled out the U.S. Army's first two high-tech command post systems, built under the...
US Army, NEW YORK: As the Coalition's role in Iraq has gradually shifted towards supporting Iraqi security forces, American Soldiers...
Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp, SALT LAKE CITY: Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp. today announced that the company has successfully...