Neutron-Based Inspection System Offers Significantly Improved Detection and Identification Capabilities for Threat Materials and Contraband
ARLINGTON, VA: A prototype system for the reliable detection and identification of threat materials and contraband in containers and baggage has been successfully tested by EADS, validating a new inspection method that exceeds the performance of current security systems.
Development and testing of the multi-threat detection system has been underway since 2006 in a jointly funded effort involving EADS SODERN, Astrium and the French Atomic Energy Commission.
With its successful validation, EADS North America now intends to partner with other companies to make this technology available in the U.S market, significantly enhancing detection and identification capabilities in a full range of homeland security applications.
This prototype system utilizes neutrons to detect and identify materials with a level of performance not possible with the traditional X-ray-based systems employed in most security inspections today.
With its unique identification capabilities, the system significantly reduces confusion and false alarms during inspections, and is easily adaptable to the rapid evolution of threats — including low-density and inorganic explosives. Compared with other neutron-based devices, the multi-threat detection system's new neutron technology makes it less costly and bulky, better adapting it to the market requirements.
“The multi-threat detection system's advanced technology can have an immediate security benefit for U.S. homeland protection, while also opening the possibility for creating even greater capabilities as it evolves in the future,” said Samuel D. Wyman, EADS North America's Vice President of Science and Technology. “This system, along with our other investments in homeland security products and technologies, is tangible evidence of EADS North America's ability and commitment to bring world class, leading edge technology to our U.S. customers and industry partners.”
EADS SODERN's process enables the detection and identification of a wide variety of threat materials that are chemical, nuclear, radiological, explosive and drug-based in nature. The system's neutron generator produces a clear computer-interpreted picture of the container contents, allowing an automatic diagnosis of whether a security threat exists or if contraband is present.
In addition to increasing security through the reliable detection of threat materials and contraband, the new system also paves the way for new screening concepts that leverage the fast throughput of current x-ray systems with the unique discrimination capability of this new neutron-based technique. The resulting benefits include increased security and throughput for transportation and cargo security systems, along with lower operating costs.