
  1. JamesChell

    Medical Waivers

    Just wanted to ask a quick question pertaining to medical waivers and enlistment with the US Army. I was diagnosed with Spitzoid Melanoma skin cancer in 2013 on my left upper arm. I’ve had it removed and kept my skin checked up regularly with my dermatologist. I’ve had no reoccurrences. I’ve...
  2. Mech infantry, Pakistan Army

    Mech infantry, Pakistan Army

    Soldiers listen to their CO before operations.
  3. Destined Glory 2005 - Turkish amphibious naval infantary

    Destined Glory 2005 - Turkish amphibious naval infantary

    The Turkish amphibious naval infantary carry out some live firing on the range in 8 man sections.
  4. Destined Glory 2005 - Turkish amphibious naval infantary

    Destined Glory 2005 - Turkish amphibious naval infantary

    The Turkish amphibious naval infantary advance to fire during a live firing exercise on the range.
  5. Naval Infantary

    Naval Infantary

    The Turkish amphibious naval infantary carry out some live firing on the range in 8 man sections.
  6. Naval Infantary

    Naval Infantary

    The highly disciplined Turkish amphibious naval infantary (marines) double back to the fire point after their live firing exercise.