
  1. Twinblade

    Indian Military Aviation; News, Updates & Discussions

    I wonder what happened to the old thread, anyhow; I am starting a new thread to cover military aviation in Indian Air Force, Indian Army and Indian Navy. Here's some food for your thought.. Indian Armed forced to induct 1000 helos by 2020 Perhaps the largest helo procurement by any...
  2. S

    Indians Arrests a Pakistani PIGEON :D

    reason: that unlucky pigeon unluckily wrote a address which points to a Pakistani Address, and Indians claimed that IT IS ALSO A ISI BASED SPY :D Source: hxxp:// P.S: replace hxxp with h T T p (without spaces) to visit...
  3. INS Vikramaditya

    INS Vikramaditya

    In drydock under reconstruction
  4. INS Vikramaditya

    INS Vikramaditya

    In drydock under reconstruction
  5. INS Vikramaditya

    INS Vikramaditya

    Artists Impression
  6. INS Vikramaditya

    INS Vikramaditya

    In drydock under reconstruction
  7. TU-142a bomber

    TU-142a bomber

    This is indian navy's TU-142a bomber.
  8. IL-38b


    This is indian navy's aircraft.Check the new radar mounted on its top for surveillance.
  9. Dhanush


    This is the naval version of prithvi missile.


    this is the naval version of HAL DHRUV advance light helicopter.
  11. Hover craft

    Hover craft

    indian navy's hover craft
  12. Cope India 2006 - USAF and IAF Excercise

    Cope India 2006 - USAF and IAF Excercise

    Cope India 2006 - Military Aviation Excercise between USAF and IAF
  13. P17


    CG of ocompleted P17 class vessel
  14. Mig 29- Fighter/Interceptor

    Mig 29- Fighter/Interceptor

    Four fulcrums escorting an AN-32. Somebody important must be inside.
  15. Mig 29- Fighter/Interceptor

    Mig 29- Fighter/Interceptor

    A MiG-29B (KB719), from the No.28 Squadron, flies past an oil & gas rig complex in the Arabian Sea.
  16. Mig 29- Fighter/Interceptor

    Mig 29- Fighter/Interceptor

    A fulcrum displaying its armament.
  17. Mig 29- Fighter/Interceptor

    Mig 29- Fighter/Interceptor

    A line up of fulcrums.
  18. Mig 29- Fighter/Interceptor

    Mig 29- Fighter/Interceptor
