
  1. Mig-23BN- Attack/Interceptor

    Mig-23BN- Attack/Interceptor

    A MiG-23BN, from the No.220 Squadron, flies over the historic Jodhpur Palace in Rajasthan.
  2. Mig-23BN- Attack/Interceptor

    Mig-23BN- Attack/Interceptor

    Line up of Mig 23 BNs from number 10 squadron in Jodhpur.
  3. Mig-23BN- Attack/Interceptor

    Mig-23BN- Attack/Interceptor

    A MiG-23BN launching a volley of rockets. The squadrons 10, 220 and 221 use this aircraft mainly for interdiction and CAS (Close Air Support).