Technical Characteristics
Howitzer weight
14000 kg
Barrel length 52 calibre
Barrel inner diameter
155 mm
Barrel weight 2520 kg
Number of groove 48 pcs
Total length 11.6 m ( on road)
Total height 2.6 m
Total width 3.3 m
Chamber of Volume 23 lt
Technical Characteristics
Howitzer weight
14000 kg
Barrel length 52 calibre
Barrel inner diameter
155 mm
Barrel weight 2520 kg
Number of groove 48 pcs
Total length 11.6 m ( on road)
Total height 2.6 m
Total width 3.3 m
Chamber of Volume 23 lt
Technical Characteristics
Howitzer weight
14000 kg
Barrel length 52 calibre
Barrel inner diameter
155 mm
Barrel weight 2520 kg
Number of groove 48 pcs
Total length 11.6 m ( on road)
Total height 2.6 m
Total width 3.3 m
Chamber of Volume 23 lt
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