INS Dunagiri (Nilgiri {Leander} Class)


INS Dunagiri (Nilgiri {Leander} Class)

4 Leander Class in Indian Navy Service and 2 decommissioned
Weapons: Two Mk.6 Vickers 114mm guns with 80º elevation and 20 rds/min to 3.3n miles; 6 km against aircraft or 10.4n miles; 19 km against vessels. Also has four AK-230 30mm guns with 500 rds/min to 2.7n miles; 5 km in all but one of the class. Two Oerlikon 20mm guns with 800 rds/min to 2 km.

Six 324mm ILAS 3 (2 triple) torpedo tubes (F41, F42 only) with Whitehead A244S or the Indian NST-58 anti-submarine active/passive homing torpedo, which has a range of 3.8n miles; 7 km at 33 knots with a 34 kg shaped charge warhead. One Bofors 375mm twin-tubed launcher (F41 and F42) which have a range of 1600 meters. One Limbo MK.10 triple-tubed launcher (F34, F35 and F36) which have a range of 1000 miles with a 92 kg warhead.
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