There was a big fallout post WW2 because UK (and the French) was denied the knowledge from the Manhattan project. There was no sharing.
There was no official transfer, but some unofficial. Besides, now half UK nuclear weapon is US-produced.
And actively cooperating with NK. Question: you see a number of states going nuclear. Who? And who helped them?
They will get needed equipment and knowledge from Europe/USA/Russia. Just as in case of Iran/Pakistan/India/ etc. Besides, building A-Bomb is no problem with current consumer technology, the only problem is obtaining uran/plutonium and enrichten it. You'll need good insudstry to achieve that, but again nothing un-doable.
It was important to them. And if it wasn't for the nuclear umbrella, they would have. And there are also the countries that weren't part of the Axis.
Sure, it was important. But you know, they was NOT free in they politic. Did you forget US bases in Germany? Did you forget laws what prohibitet military building in both Japan and Germany? Do you think they accepted these restriction on they own? It was IMPOSSIBLE for them to have any nuclear weapon, no matter how much they wanted it. Well, of course if they didnt want another war with US on that matter.
You mean like India? Israel? UK? France? China? Etc.? Pakistan? USSR?
All of them.
There's no history to prove it.
hmm, i already gave examples what all prolifiration sources take roots in major superpowers. You dont need rogue states for that.
The operational concept is as always "credible deterence". Second thing is that the US has a deterrence of its own. And that is a credible deterrence against nuclear use against them.
Ha-ha. I dont know, may be you are from Australia. But i'm quite sure a New-York guy will think twice about supporting goverment what say something like "We bring democracy to NK. We are sure NK could nuke only NY and Los-Angeles at max - no biggie, we will revenge!" How it sounds? Are you sure what Kim, seeing the fate of Saddam and Miloshevich, will NOT use his A-Bomb against US?
Recognition of the nation-state, because it is convenient. Sovereignty exists because others recognise it, not because it is some divine right given from above.
Nope. WRONG. Souvergnity exist becouse you can defend it by all means - political, military, etc. Besides, everyone, even US acknowledge NK souvereignity. You cant have it half-way - either NK is in UN and then have all souvereign rights, or it is not.
The regime has no legitimacy in the eyes of other states as long at it behaves like a common thug. Recognition of the right to selfdefence applies to other. Has Japan declared war over the abduction of its civilians on its own soil? This could be rightfully be considered and act of war. Did NK repect any sovereignty? Firing missiles over Japan?
Sadly for you, only western medias dont recognize the legitimacy of NK regime. As i said, there are other countries on the globe besides US. They ARE recognize the legitimacy of NK. Hmm, and lets not bring minor incedents here. Should i remind you what US DAYLY violate foreign airspaces with military assets? Recon flights, etc... Should i remind you about US special forces assasinating Latin America leaders?
ow about NK counterfeiting US notes. This could also be considered an act of war. NK subs in SK waters? An act of war, disrepecting sovereignty.
Sure. But would you also consider US sub in foreign water an act of war? Yes? Then who is agressor here? Would you consider US recon flight over NK territory as act of war? Yes/No? Please no double standards here.
And this happened without NK having any nukes. And no military response...
Yup. All that happens WHILE NK dont have nukes and cant defent its territory. Once it got nukes and proper SAM's i'm sure all these incedents will go away.
No. NK is being ignored into oblivion, and they know it. That's why they're making so much noise.
I'm very sure it is NK dream to be ignored. Kim live good enouth as is, he dont need more attention.
The people(s) of Korea should decide - yes. I haven't argued regime change. It a strawman you have made.
You said it. The peoples of Korea, and not US goverment. Let the peoples decide. WITHOUT foreign military intervention. Also, we saw on the example of Palestina how respectfull are "democratic" countries to democratic elected leaders...
Continuation of strawman. Note: it is the firepower that NK has that makes it necessary to talk to it - not it benevolent gifts to this world. It is the noises it makes.
I repeat - dont mix western medias with NK leaders. NK DONT make any noise. All the noise goes from your own counry medias.
Yes, and most don't give a damn or have special interests like China or SK/Japan.
NK is technically at war with the UN.
Nope, it is not. Only SK and NK are technically at war. NK is full member of UN, that alone should prove it is fully recognized by the rest of the world.
Actually the US has been playing NK down the past years. Also, the US is practically reducing its presence every year.
Man, US making BIG noise about NK. I cant see how its called "down played".
The US is just an excuse for bad behaviour, just like so many other countries use the US as an excuse for bad behaviour.
Again, what bad behavior? Building A-bomb is surery not one. Also, as i remember, NK was more than happy to abandon its nuclear program back in mid 90x in exchange for economical help. Ask yourself, WHY the hell US broke that agreement? If US is so concerned about NK nuclear program?
Btw, would you like to have the NK agents loose in Russia abducting and killing your citizens, counterfeiting Rubles, firing ballistic missiles over your heads? Exporting NK govt produced narcotics into Russia?
All i see now is what NK dont do anything above, but many other friendly to US countries do this all the time. Hell, US do it all the time itself. "Abducting and killing your citizens" - Guantanamo - check. Firing ballistic missiles over your heads - not only missiles - check. Exporting NK govt produced narcotics - just propaganda against NK, and we know what 90% worlds narcotics are produced in US conrtolled states - Columbia and Afganistan. Particulary in Afganistan the narcotics production increased 5 TIMES after US invasion. Coincendence, no? Should i remind mid 80x scandal when CIA was financing they dirty operations with narcotics? The peoples catched back then doing it/knowing it are still the rulers in CIA now... Do you think much changed since then?