I am not going to continue to argue with you about this. Much of Carlo Kopp’s published “facts” have proven to be inaccurate or incomplete. I will take what the people who fly and maintain the su30MKI (the IAF) say about the Bars capability over what he comes up with any day. Fact is you keep trying to use his arguments and they have been debunked. His research is not objective and it shows his F-22 bias.
Keep this in mind the USN is so happy with their SHs that they are thinking about cutting back on F-35s and getting more SHs. One of its greatest supporters in the navy is a former Tomcat pilot.
Even Carlo likes the Superhornet. He started bashing it only when he found out that there was no chance to get the F-22.
“The current configuration of the F/A-18E/F avionic package is the most advanced of any production aircraft based upon a Mil-Std-1553B bussed federated architecture, and is surpassed only by the much newer F-22A and JSF architectures. It is very likely that growth variants of the F/A-18E/F will see the progressive incorporation of avionics technology used in the JSF.”
“In terms of meeting the USN's aim for a low risk F-14/A-6 and F/A-18A-D replacement, in a timescale and budget compatible with current circumstances, and prior to the production of the high risk high payoff full stealth JSF, the F/A-18E/F clearly meets this objective.”
“The Super Hornet is a fighter with exceptional handling qualities, even by modern fighter standards, which even a novice can handle comfortably and with confidence at the edge of the low speed manoeuvre envelope.”
“In a low speed post-merge manoeuvring fight, with a high off-boresight 4th generation missile and Helmet Mounted Display, the Super Hornet will be a very difficult opponent for any current Russian fighter, even the Su-27/30. The analogue and early generation digital flight controls with hard-wired or hard-coded AoA limiters used in the Russian aircraft are a generation behind the Super Hornet and a much more experienced pilot will be required for the Russian types to match the ease with which the Super Hornet handles high alpha flight regimes.”
Now I know Carlo has this big disclaimer on the document but one has to wonder does Dr Kopp speak out of both sides of his mouth. Oh and lets remember he flew a Block I bird without AESA, the redesigned stealthier front fuselage, and all the other goodies.
You live by the words of Kopp and you die by the Kopp. Do try to use information from a variety of sources next time.
Signed A Former Super Hornet Skeptic.
Bottom line Ozzy is I am now convinced you have no idea of what you are talking about. IRST is no substitute for radar. IRST is a nice supplement but you cannot target a missile using it. You need to have some idea of where to search with IRST; its detection range is a fraction of radar.