You nailed it AD. Neither option would require the whole fleet being taken down for any amount of time - perhaps one airframe to develop the mod and flight test it, and then the others one at a time to have it installed.In relation to the Penguin ASM onto Seahawk issue, there are apparently two separate methods that could be used to do so.
One is a full integration of the weapon onto the Seahawk.
The other is a standalone weapon control system mounted in the "back" of the seahawk. I think Lt Gen. HURLEY (in charge of ADF capability development) mentioned this to a Senate Estimates Committee in late 2006.
At that point ADF were still unsure as to what will eventually happen and were studying this issue.
Of the 2 I suppose the "standalone" integration would provide a quicker operational capability...
Both Greece and Turkey have done the partial integration mod to their Seahawks quite successfully from all reports. Basically it involves a fire and forget mode for the missile instead of a mid-course correction capability from the aircraft or from the ship (via the aircraft) which would come with the full mod.