Magoo you have no idea.... Even relatively short ranged ballistic missiles reach altitudes above 100kms. So even the Pac-3 missile will only be able to intercept at Ballistic missiles at the start and end points of its flight. The AMRAAM will also be able to shoot it down at each of those points. The F-22 can carryies its AMRAAM's closer to the ballistic missiles which makes up for any difference in range.
Having to gain altitude uses MUCH more fuel than travelling the same horizontal distance, so the altitude and speed of the launch aircraft will play a big part in the kill envelope of the missile. This is why an F-22 with internal AMRAAM will be able to kill targets further away and at higher altitude than say a Super Hornet with a Pac-3 under its wing.
Also the AMRAAM is a 157kg missile with a 20kg warhead.. The Pac-3 is a 312kg with a 75kg warhead. Minus the weight of the warhead and the AMRAAM has around 100kg of propellant. The Pac-3 has around 200kg of propellant. 200kg of propellent will not be able to push 75kilos to a higher altitude than 100kg of propellant with only a 20kg warhead. Also the aerodynamic drag of the Pac-3 is much greater than the AMRAAM.
The SL-AMRAAM uses very old short ranged versions of the AMRAAM. If the latest AMRAAM i think we'd be all surprised on the altitudes it culd reach.
This is why the F-22 and AMRAAM is the best solution, as it probably has the greatest chance to shoot down missiles. Not to mention that there will be dozens of F-22's in theatre and in the air at the time of a missile launch so its the perfect platform.
The PAC-3 will not offer a huge performance leap like you expect.
I ask you, when operating at 50,000 feet and flying at mach 2, in an anti-ballistic missile role, carrying missiles with a 300-400k range, primarily over the "Home land", is the stealthiness of the F-22 going to matter that much?
The F-22's operating over enemy territory will shoot the ballistic missiles down in the boost phase. If they have external missiles the F-22 will be vulnerable to attack by the enemy.
So you're arguing that an F-22 carrying (let's say 2) external PAC-3 missiles, won't be able to fly at 55,000 feet? A bit early to state this definitely isn't it? To date, the concept's been announced a "massive" $2m devoted to the project. Imagine the sort of intercept range of a PAC-3 missile IF the F-22A COULD operate at Mach 2+ at 50,000 feet. It would make ANY AMRAAM launch look decidely anaemic...
F-22 will never carry PAC-3 on a normal combat mission, it will however always carry atleast a pair of AMRAAM's. Better having something than nothing.
We are not talking about 99% of missions. We are talking about 1. The ABM role. If the AMRAAM is so preferred Lockheed Martin would HARDLY be discussing this weapon system would it?
Because once you start making dedicated anti ballistic missile aircraft you are bloating the airforce. If AMRAAM is used, EVERY F-22 in the air is currently acting as a ballistic missile shield. If Pac-3 is used, all the F-22's over enemy territory will not have this missile.
For instance you could have a CAP of F-22's just over the south korea's border they would remain underdected by North Korea. The F-22's can be closer to the target than any other aircraft so they can get there quicker and require a shorter ranged missile. When a ballistic missile launch is detected the F-22's then accelerate to Mach 2 within seconds heading towards the target. The F-22 radar locks onto the Ballistic missile the very instant it becomes air born and then fires an AMRAAM which intercepts the Ballistic missile as it passes through 100,000 feet.
The same thing could work with Iran.. the same thing can be done with cruise missiles.
Using Super Hornets or F-15's is just making it much more complex and they require a Pac-3 just to overcome their shortfalls. It would be wiser just to buy more F-22's.
I still think that a ALRAAM would be a good missile providing it fits inside the F-22 and on the JSF's internal siderail. However this would have to be a completely new development project and cost to much. The Pac-3 is a very long missile, if you shortened it to the length of the AMRAAM it could weigh less than 50kilo's more than the AMRAAM as the Pac-3 is only slightly wider. 7inch vs 10inch.