Aussie Digger
I have no idea how much the JSF will eventually cost, but even at $50-60m cheaper per airplane, it's pretty hard to go past, IMHO.By the way, all the cost figures being bantered around by people, including yourself, for the F-22 appear to be based upon the current production run which are all for the USAF.
F-22s after the current 185 units (post Raptor AFA 4185) are, according to the outgoing F-22 Program Director, going to have a unit flyaway cost of US$116 million in 'then year' dollars. That will be around FY2012 dollars.
How much do you estimate a CTOL JSF will cost in FY2012 (if they are selling then)?
Would appreciate seeing your estimates of the unit flyaway and unit procurement costs that you think Australia would be paying for the JSF and your basis for such estimates.
Finally, in your view, what is so wrong with wanting the best for our fighting men and women? What is your aversion to Australia continuing to have the meanest dog on the block when it comes to air power?
Particularly given the F-22's speciality. Yes it can drop SDB's and possibly GBU-39 JDAM's. Otherwise it's a pure air to air fighter and Australia needs more than that.
I would be more than happy for a combined F-22A/F-35A fleet, but our budget won't stretch that far . I have no aversion to having the best capability on the block, but I DO have a severe aversion to getting limited quantities of whatever capability. An ability to conduct concurrent operations are every bit as important as this in my book.
I have noticed over the years that Dr KOPP often refers to a lack of capability to conduct concurrent operations (usually over the NW shelf area) WRT our A330 tanker and Wedgetail purchases. I don't ever recall him discussing our limitations in this area if we had only 2x sqn's of F-22's as our SOLE air combat capability...
We need 4 fighter squadrons, plus an OCU to even ATTEMPT to cover all of RAAF's responsibilities and if we went down the F-22 path, there is simply no chance that we could afford more than 2 Sqn's worth.
I have no doubt the Project director says the post 183 (all that's funded IIRC) F-22 will be cheaper at US$116m per aircraft. He no doubt wants to keep his job!!!
Unfortunately the F-22 has NEVER been that cheap. It is in full rate production now and though the airframe cost has been as high as $185m each, it is currently remaining at $175m each.
Even IF the JSF cost as much as US$94m per aircraft that's still an $81m saving per aircraft which equals: FAR more platforms...