Iriaf F-14


New Member
Iran’s F-14 jet fighters significantly modified

TEHRAN, Sept. 28 (MNA) -- Brigadier General Ali Mohammad Naderi, the director of Iran’s Aviation Industries Organization (AIO), announced here Tuesday that fundamental changes have been made to Iran’s F-14 jet fighters.

Speaking to reporters at AIO headquarters, Naderi said, “By combining Eastern and Western military technology, we have gained capabilities that are even surprising to our enemies.â€

“Relying on its indigenous specialists, Iran today has no problems in modernizing its military equipment,†the general added.

Naderi stated that the AIO has shared knowledge with friendly countries that possess aviation industry technology.

The U.S. sanctions on Iran have not influenced the country’s military industries, he pointed out, adding that Iran has never halted its efforts to manufacture military aircraft since the sanctions were imposed.

According to Naderi, over 4,000 highly skilled specialists are currently working in Iran’s aviation industry.

Paying more attention to aviation industries could stem the brain drain, the general noted, adding that efforts should be made to attract talented university students to this industry.

The AIO is affiliated to the Ministry of Defense.


New Member

How many F-14's does Iran have? I knew they had a few but I actually thought they were either gone or out of service...


Active Member
I,m not sure Steve I reckon probably no more than 80 to begin with but as they havent been getting spares from the US the numbers available would be pretty small you would think. The General seems to think differantly but I wouldn,t be holding my breath.


New Member
Look closely at the bottom picture with the two F14s flying in loose formation. You'll see that the one on the left has modified HAWK (as in the SAM system) modified as an AAM.


New Member
Woo! It's good to know F-14's will still be running in the skies. . . Somewhere. . .

abramsteve said:

How many F-14's does Iran have? I knew they had a few but I actually thought they were either gone or out of service...
Don't tempt Iran. The last time America though they only had a handful of F-14s, Iran rallied up a bunch of them and bombed Iraq.


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
GADefence said:
Woo! It's good to know F-14's will still be running in the skies. . . Somewhere. . .
Don't tempt Iran. The last time America though they only had a handful of F-14s, Iran rallied up a bunch of them and bombed Iraq.
What are you talking about GAD?
The US have been monitoring IRAF since the fall of the Shah.
No surprise, they know the number of Cats there!
The only surprise was that the Iranians are actually repairing them with indegenious industry, without thrid part aid.
And that was discovered when an iranian AF pilot defected in the 90s with its -14.

I recommand you read this :
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New Member
Francois said:
What are you talking about GAD?
The US have been monitoring IRAF since the fall of the Shah.
No surprise, they know the number of Cats there!
The only surprise was that the Iranians are actually repairing them with indegenious industry, without thrid part aid.
And that was discovered when an iranian AF pilot defected in the 90s with its -14.

I recommand you read this :
Mostly a little joke on a news report I had read. This isn't the original, which made he report seem more spiteful and humorous, but it validates what I said.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"I[/font][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]ranian capabilities in this area may have taken place on February 11, 1985, when 25 Iranian F-14A Tomcats took a mass fly by over Tehran. In spite of the Western arms embargo, Iran been able to maintain a more-or-less steady supply of spare parts for its fleet of Tomcats, from Iranian aircraft industries based at 1st tactical air base in Tehran. The number of Tomcats in service with Iran is reported as many as 60 aircrafts. Some of these parts also seem to have been smuggled into Iran by Israel."


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
But you talked about bombing Iraq with Tomcats.
That is not possible. Iranian didn't get the Bomcat upgrade.
Now, remember that few -14s were shot down by Iraqi F1EQs.


New Member
Francois said:
But you talked about bombing Iraq with Tomcats.
That is not possible. Iranian didn't get the Bomcat upgrade.
Now, remember that few -14s were shot down by Iraqi F1EQs.
yes you are right they were not used to bomb Iraq acuatully the top cammand didnt even let them go in the the Iraqi airspace but IRIAF bombed Iraq with F-4s

as for the shout down by f-1 they are only about 3 that are confermed shot down by Iraqies. the rest were either canibutalised or crashed due to engian failer or pilot error. acourding to most reliable sorces the number in service has decrased to 28 (NOTE THAT 30 ARE STORED) so that means that IRIAF has a total of 58 F-14 at present.

and yes the F-14 does have a HACK under it. this is a result a a program to produce a missle that would have similar capiblities as the phinex but at a much cheper cost. This progect started during the war year 1986 but did not succed much until now.


New Member
Well, with all the respect to the IRIAF, and really, i know few people from Iran and from the iriaf, not pilots, but who working in there, and really, they are ecxellent people, and its a shame that they're leader stick to his opinions about irans nuclear weapon, because come on, with all the power of the Iranian air force, they can't possibly think that they can handle with the americans or with the israelies.
its not the same generation, I'm not aware to the americans thechnology enough to talk about it, but with the israel technology i do.
It will be stupid from the iranis to face againts our AF,
Israel got currently about 30-40 F16I's and the number getting bigger in evrey month, Rafaele Python 5 and the Derby is the most power and sophisticateds missles in the world, and i saw the Iriaf F14 cockpit, they doesn't have even digital screens, not to even think about escape from Python 5, its even sounds dumb.
they're F14's will work maybe againts 3 world countries, but not a againts countries like the US and Israel.

Iranian F-14A

New Member
Although 3 or 4 were shot down during the Iran-Iraq war,the Iranian F-14s more then made up for this by downing several Iraqi Mig-23s,-25s,F-7s,and even a couple Tu-22 Blinders.The F-14s also downed one of four Super Etendards leased to Iraq by France to sink tankers in the Persian Gulf.Most of these kills were made with the AIM-54 Phoenix.The F-14 was also used as a mini AWACs,using its AWG-9 radar to detect Iraqi fighters and direct F-4s or F-4s in for the kill.The reason Iran hasn't bought either the Su-30 or the Mig-31 is because it is now making its own F-14 parts to keep its fleet airborne and it believes the Tomcat is more then enough to counter any possiblr aggressor.


New Member

Iran has not bought mig29 or su 27 because it may not have as much funds available needded to procure at least a 100-150 fighter aircraft. Iranian F 14 is no match for the today's frontline AA missiles. It would be like shooting ducks in a gallery.

I believe that it is more of an emotional attachment issue with the F 14----other than that, this aircraft has seen its days. Sanctions are extremely painful. At least one must praise the quality and reliability of the american product. Iraf, it still can do an good job against a 3 rd and 4 th category adversary with this plane and nothing more.


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Verified Defense Pro
VICTORA1 said:

Iran has not bought mig29 or su 27 because it may not have as much funds available needded to procure at least a 100-150 fighter aircraft. Iranian F 14 is no match for the today's frontline AA missiles. It would be like shooting ducks in a gallery.

I believe that it is more of an emotional attachment issue with the F 14----other than that, this aircraft has seen its days. Sanctions are extremely painful. At least one must praise the quality and reliability of the american product. Iraf, it still can do an good job against a 3 rd and 4 th category adversary with this plane and nothing more.
According to reports Iran had about 80 F-14s & now only 23 are operation. But the dead ones are providing spare parts. It is believed that Iranian F-14s may have been modified & upgraded by the Russian. They may still be capable of firing Russian Long Range Missiles, may be similar to that of Su-27/30. Iranian F-14s may live a bit longer but the problem is that 20+ F-14s cant protect the land size of Iran. Their only other hope is F-4 & F-5 which offcourse dont match up with todays technology.


New Member
If the F14's were that good then I amn sure the US wouldn't have inducted as many F!5's and F16's in there airforces. As far as the radar goes the F14 is an effective mini AWACS because of the size of its radar housing rather then just the quality of the radar. The SU27 can make a much better command post or AWACS system than the F14 due to the fact it is more modern and able to utalise Westen European based tecnhnology (China and Indian examples). Iran's military doctorine seems to be rather peculiar. They can easily afford to buy SU27's because that are not that expensive, but for some reason they have not chosen to do so. I ma not sure if they have purchased the Mig 31 and use that for datalink and command post operations.


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Few things here :
- Yes, Iran has MiG-29s.
- The shot down F-14s were only by the introduction of the Super-Etandards by Iraqi AF.
- After that, the iranian kept their -14s far from engagement zone, and rather to make an air-cover over the big cities.
- Russian never had access to the iranian -14s.
- One defected iranian -14 showed to the US that many parts were actually "made in Iran" without extern help.


New Member

Sir, you may not know that F15 and F 16 are for a different segment of the defence forces. The F 14's were for the navy only. The navy and air force has a big rift amongst them since ages, they hated each others guts and hated each others planes. The F 14 being a swing wing fighter was not the best choice for Af. Also its engine was not as powerful as needed.

You will find some wonderful information about these 3 planes if you look up John Boyd. Just type in USAF COL JOHN BOYD in your search engine, read the articles and for those who think that all the defence forces of the US love each other, would get a surprise. You will also find that some of these generals were as incompetent as their iraqi counterparts. You will also learn why the AF got the F 15 and F 16's. F 14 is an old plane----and done with the U S navy.

Coming back to the iriaf F 14 issue----they will not be performing very well against any modern day plane. If iranian AF is taking a stand on the basis of these planes, please don't. Egos can only take us so far.

Pursuit Curve

New Member
Woo! It's good to know F-14's will still be running in the skies. . . Somewhere. . .

Don't tempt Iran. The last time America though they only had a handful of F-14s, Iran rallied up a bunch of them and bombed Iraq.
GADefense, As far as I know, The Iranians never used the F14 as a bomber, in fact the F14 was used as a ersatz AWACS with its very powerful radar, and as HVA air defense against Iraqi air attacks, in fact there was one report in International Airpower that they did score some kills with the few AIM54 Phoenix missiles that had left.

The primary Bomber used by the Iranians was the F4D and the F4E Phantoms Fighter bombers, and the F5 freedom fighter was giving goos close air support because there were still some officers left over that had training from the USAF. They gave as good as the got against the most incompitent Air Force in the Middle East at the time, namely the Iraqi Air Force.


New Member
I'm still curious as to how Iran's indiginous projects influence its descisons on an F14 replacement.

Pursuit Curve

New Member
Iranian F-14A said:
Although 3 or 4 were shot down during the Iran-Iraq war,the Iranian F-14s more then made up for this by downing several Iraqi Mig-23s,-25s,F-7s,and even a couple Tu-22 Blinders.The F-14s also downed one of four Super Etendards leased to Iraq by France to sink tankers in the Persian Gulf.Most of these kills were made with the AIM-54 Phoenix.The F-14 was also used as a mini AWACs,using its AWG-9 radar to detect Iraqi fighters and direct F-4s or F-4s in for the kill.The reason Iran hasn't bought either the Su-30 or the Mig-31 is because it is now making its own F-14 parts to keep its fleet airborne and it believes the Tomcat is more then enough to counter any possiblr aggressor.
Do not forget a real problem with keeping the F14 airbourne with home grown modifications. Unless the Iranians replace the troubled TF30 pwerplant, which the original A model was supplied, and also replace the AIM54 Phoenix with perhaps the Russian equivelant ( Which isn't likely with the sanctions as well as the fact that doing military business with Iran isn't a good idea at the time ) then the F14A will become a much degraded tomcat ( should now be renamed pussy cat!).

The possible confrontation between Iranian Tomcats and coalition aircraft will not end in the Iranian favour, I only say that because of the capabilities of the AWG9 and if the Iranians have any or very few AIM54 left, are still 70's technology, or even servicable. While it is entirely possible that they could reverse engineer some mechanical parts for the airframe, I do not think they can reverse engineer a AIM54 or the software and other items for the fire control radar.

As far as the retrofitting of the HAWK SAM to the F14, I would not want to be the F14 that has to keep the target illuminated while being tracked by AIM 120 AMRAAM's coming my way!