Massive internal unrest has broken out in Kazakhstan. The initially broke out over internal increase in gas prices. However since the the government has agreed to back off the increase, and unrest continues. The government has begun confiscating weapons from the public. There are reports of police using rubber bullets and flashbangs. The unrest encompasses multiple cities including the capital. An emergency situation has been declared in Alma-Ata and Mangistaunskaya region and the government has resigned. There are also reports of social media and messengers getting blocked.
The usual accusations of Western meddling, coupled with claims of Turkish involvement abound in the discussion surrounding this but so far there is no evidence of foreign involvement in any way. Kazakhstan has had a flurry of domestic problems that have piled up over the year including corruption and rising cost of living. However Kazakhstan is also an authoritarian state with a powerful militarized police and security apparatus. If these are just spontaneous protests with no organizing center and coordination they will likely be defeated. If there is an organized internal movement, or worse externally sponsored movement, Kazakhstan may be in for regime change.
The first link has a map of protests.
The usual accusations of Western meddling, coupled with claims of Turkish involvement abound in the discussion surrounding this but so far there is no evidence of foreign involvement in any way. Kazakhstan has had a flurry of domestic problems that have piled up over the year including corruption and rising cost of living. However Kazakhstan is also an authoritarian state with a powerful militarized police and security apparatus. If these are just spontaneous protests with no organizing center and coordination they will likely be defeated. If there is an organized internal movement, or worse externally sponsored movement, Kazakhstan may be in for regime change.
The first link has a map of protests. | VK | VK | VK | VK
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