Could a single rifle bullet bring down an Apache? It's not impossible, just highly highly improbable. The Apache is not impervious to small arms fire, but it takes a significant amount of small arms fire to bring one down. I don't think you fella's fully understand the complexities of military aviation. In some cases a sensor could be hit which would illuminate a segment panel light. Here's a scenario that's not at all unrealistic:
Small arms fire damages the transmission chip detector sensor and or wiring. This in turn illuminates the Master Caution light, which alerts the pilot to review his segment panel lights. He will see a little block lit up that says "TransChip". What that means to the pilot is the sensor has detected metal particles in the transmission oil chip detector, that means there something coming apart in the transmission which is of course a component that is critical for flight. Now we go into training and the operators manual. A transmission chip light dictates the pilot land as soon as possible. That means proceed to the nearest suitable landing area without delay, the primary consideration is occupant survival. When the transmission seizes, your flight ends. Under combat conditions, the pilot has to take a gamble over flying an aircraft that could stop flying at any moment and or getting captured if he lands. Pilots know that if the tranny seizes the game is over. So they have a better chance landing safely, and E&Eing the enemy. Naturally in combat they are going to look at the trans oil temp to see if maybe just maybe it's a faulty sensor, and monitor the temp for changes which would indicate there is actually a problem. If for some reason the temp sensor was likewise damaged he pretty much has no choice but to land, what could very well be an otherwise undamaged and totally servicable aircraft. To me, that's not shooting anything down, it's just quirky fate.
The old saying is, Big sky, Little bullet.