ADF General discussion thread

Bluey 006

Active Member
We have heaps of uranium , some of the highest per capita carbon emissions in the world, a need for nuclear submarines, loads of space for waste disposal. SA politicians that are keen to be the worlds nuclear waste dumb, and now a way turn that nuclear waste into clean energy - Diamond Batteries Made of Nuclear Waste

Tell me again why we don't have a nuclear power industry?

Diamond Batteries powering future ultra quiet submarines perhaps?

John Fedup

The Bunker Group
We have heaps of uranium , some of the highest per capita carbon emissions in the world, a need for nuclear submarines, loads of space for waste disposal. SA politicians that are keen to be the worlds nuclear waste dumb, and now a way turn that nuclear waste into clean energy - Diamond Batteries Made of Nuclear Waste

Tell me again why we don't have a nuclear power industry?

Diamond Batteries powering future ultra quiet submarines perhaps?
If you scroll down at your link, there is an article discussing magnetic reconnection and how a better understanding of this process might lead to better fusion reactors based on magnetic confinement. If SA politicians are keen on a nuclear dump, they should talk to the Province of Ontario as there are three nuclear sites with thousands of tons of waste. A warning, make sure Ontario shows the money first. It is the worst run province in Canada by far, a title Quebec held for years.

John Newman

The Bunker Group
It appears relations between the ADF and TNI have hit another rocky patch, appears they have taken offence at some material at Swanborne Barracks, apparently all forms of co-operation has been suspended.

Indonesia suspends military co-operation with Australia | SBS News
And of course the ABC and SBS would be reporting this too.

From the SBS article:

Kompas quoted the director of the Institute for Defence, Security and Peace Studies in Indonesia, Mufti Makarim, saying it was wrong of the Australian military to enter into Indonesian politics.

"The negative discussion about Indonesian politics in the forum of military exchange education between Indonesia and Australia is surely offensive in regards to the mutual respect between the Indonesian and Australian military," he told Kompas.

Offensive? Don't get me started on what offends me about Indonesia, oh that's right, we are not allowed to be offended, because it will offend others (must remember to be politically correct at all times!).

Anyway, will say no more....


The Bunker Group
Look..offensive is one thing..some young cadets get offensive are thing that can be understandable.

However when head of military school keept the materials that offend Indonesia ideology..that's another matter.
Sometimes TNI can be overtly sensitive..however under this condition..I have to agree with TNI high command.

You can't build mutual trust if some ADF brass openly keept materials that 'attack' other ideology and basic principle.
Young cadets openly atacking TNI action in East Timor or Papua can be understandable..however if this openly shown by much senior officers with placed that suposedly 'molded' future ADF officer..then it put the question on building mutual trust in the future..

In short..TNI no matter fault they have..will not pospond any important relations just simply on offensive remarks..


Well-Known Member
Look..offensive is one thing..some young cadets get offensive are thing that can be understandable.

However when head of military school keept the materials that offend Indonesia ideology..that's another matter.
Sometimes TNI can be overtly sensitive..however under this condition..I have to agree with TNI high command.

You can't build mutual trust if some ADF brass openly keept materials that 'attack' other ideology and basic principle.
Young cadets openly atacking TNI action in East Timor or Papua can be understandable..however if this openly shown by much senior officers with placed that suposedly 'molded' future ADF officer..then it put the question on building mutual trust in the future..
I think a lot of it comes down to cultural standards between nations, without seeing the material it's hard to make an informed judgement. What others find offensive might not be here.


The Bunker Group
I think a lot of it comes down to cultural standards between nations, without seeing the material it's hard to make an informed judgement. What others find offensive might not be here.
Agree..what I post is frm what I gather frm TNI source..still this move actually put by them to gather on what being informed to High Command based on reports frm Junior Officers can be substantiate..

Still the substance on TNI griviance to ADF mostly on what they are teaching to future ADF officers. At least that what I gather so far..

Bluey 006

Active Member
I have absolutely no inside knowledge of this matter... but i'd bet that almost certainly, this whole thing has less to do with the alleged "offensive material" and more to do with the "interactions, approaches and solicitation " between Australian and Indonesian personnel.

Common sense suggests - Public domain :confused::smooth = not full story

When asked if the suspension stemmed from offensive material seen at an Australian military base.
"Maybe that's one (of the reasons) but the main point is, there are technicalities that must be solved in improving this co-operation relationship," Major General Wuryanto said.



Active Member
Donald Trump has indicated he wants to expand the US air force to 350'000 personnel. He apparently is no fan of the F35, so I wonder if the F22 assembly line will be re-opened,and if so, can Australia now get an order in?


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump has indicated he wants to expand the US air force to 350'000 personnel. He apparently is no fan of the F35, so I wonder if the F22 assembly line will be re-opened,and if so, can Australia now get an order in?
Two very big "if's" assumed in your question IMHO. I doubt F22 production will restart, and doubt we'd want any if it did - doesn't gel all that well with our CONOPS from what I can tell. I am sure others can shed more light here.


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump has indicated he wants to expand the US air force to 350'000 personnel. He apparently is no fan of the F35, so I wonder if the F22 assembly line will be re-opened,and if so, can Australia now get an order in?
Can't say if the restart would happen, but it would still mean it would have to changed by an act of Congress for the RAAF to purshase, not really sure if we need an air superiority aircraft as our last interceptor/ air superiority fighter was the Mirage*IIIO(F) interceptors in 64? and these were converted to Mirage IIIO(A) ground attack fighter in 68-70. I don't think our situation warrants these as we don't share border boundary and possabile overflight incursions from third country nations.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
Donald Trump has indicated he wants to expand the US air force to 350'000 personnel. He apparently is no fan of the F35, so I wonder if the F22 assembly line will be re-opened,and if so, can Australia now get an order in?
Incorrect. Trump wants to lower the cost of JSF. He had a briefing to explain how the costs are coming down - apparently he thinks that he caused the future price drop - but what he was shown was the exact LRIP schedule - and coincidentally the prices quoted are the same as RAAF which ties in with those future LRIP rates

The F-22 won't be re-opened - it can't

finally all 3 of his ex military appointments are supporters of JSF and have made that clear to Trump - and he's very much someone who listens to Mattis who made his views clear on maintaining JSF but driving to lower costs where possible

The chat coming from different sources re Trump and killing JSF is just nonsense - unfortunately its getting repeated which doesn't help bandwidth issues in places like here.


Well-Known Member
I have to ask, is there any actual benefit in increasing the size of the USAF considering between active, reserve, air national guard and civilian employees the USAF has 660,000 personnel available...

Get's too a point where your so large it just becomes a nightmare to run it all...


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
I have to ask, is there any actual benefit in increasing the size of the USAF considering between active, reserve, air national guard and civilian employees the USAF has 660,000 personnel available...

Get's too a point where your so large it just becomes a nightmare to run it all...
this might be better off being asked in the USAF thread rather than in here....


Active Member
With the mellowing of relations between the US and Russia, is there any chance that Australia could consider buying some Russian equipment? Their S300 and S400 anti missile/aircraft missiles seem to be very good, and they have some elite aircraft at the moment, names Su35 and their version of the F22, and I am sure they would be cheaper than US products.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
With the mellowing of relations between the US and Russia, is there any chance that Australia could consider buying some Russian equipment? Their S300 and S400 anti missile/aircraft missiles seem to be very good, and they have some elite aircraft at the moment, names Su35 and their version of the F22, and I am sure they would be cheaper than US products.
nope, for a variety of reasons, not going to happen.


Just a bloke
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
With the mellowing of relations between the US and Russia, is there any chance that Australia could consider buying some Russian equipment? Their S300 and S400 anti missile/aircraft missiles seem to be very good, and they have some elite aircraft at the moment, names Su35 and their version of the F22, and I am sure they would be cheaper than US products.
Unfortunately there is a significant difference between the marketing by Rosboronexport and the realities experienced by users of Russian equipment who are prepared to speak openly about them.

India's experience with their SU-30MKI should tell us all we need to know about whether it is a good idea to get on-board with Russian kit...