Wondering if this is all just a farce
To me this Coup is very odd, almost like this was Turkey's "night of the long knives." The real winner in this Coup is clearly Erdogan, it's gone almost perfectly, almost as if this were already planned.
Why stage a coup when the President is out of position? Would it not be better to initiate a Coup when the President and other senior figures can be more easily captured? To me it doesn't seem a strong or even a well planned attempt was made to detain him, and without detaining Erdogan, any Coup would be doomed from the start.
I'm wondering if this was planned by Erdogan's Gvm't so as to consolidate power completely in Turkey. Judges are being arrested, the Army is going to be under a much tighter leash, domestic political support has gone up to protect "Turkish democracy" (a term I find laughable, if one would call Turkey democratic, then I suppose they are just tuning in-Turkey resembles a autocracy more than a democracy), and now Turkey is demanding (from its "Allies") that certain opposition figures be extradited to Turkey all while the Turkish PM keeps floating the idea of restoring the death penalty for the Coup plotters. Thousands of people are being arrested as well in this dragnet, and the weekend isn't even over yet, this looks and smells like a setup.
One thing that also stood out is the swiftness of Erdogan's Gvm't response, to even making public demands of the United States, this strikes me as being planned as a means to solidify power, to silence domestic and foreign opposition,it couldn't have gone any better for Erdogan.
Is anyone else noticing how perfect things just went for him? Awfully convienent I find.