How about this link?Don't have access to it, But from reading what little tid bit I can $8 billion of $39 billion Frigate program and half or so of the $50 billion submarine program, I take it all with a grain of salt as to me it does sound like the reporter is basing it on number's released by the government with out any clarity as to what they will procure with said prices.
If I'm not mistaken we have moved more and more into costing the vessel not just for purchase but all say through life operations, support and maintenance? I also wonder if some genius in the government looked at the AWD Project, Seen $9 billion and figured that was the way to work out how much the Frigates would cost us considering last year it was 8 Frigates for $10 billion, Not even 12 months later it is 9 for $39 billion.. So I'll accept figures for the Submarines though 50/50 chance cost's will decrease if the government steps back and current management (at ASC) keep's on there current path of improvement, The Frigate number's I simply don't trust at all, Sound's too much like some one is making assumption's rather then basing it on fact, That they aren't taking into account that the price of an item more often drops when you build multiple of it continuously.
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That's not from the government, but from SA (well, Defence Teaming Center). In short, it gave an (overly) simplified cost break down for where will the $39bn for frigates and $50bn for submarine "may"go:
For frigate (rounded up to $40bn)
$14bn to build: $8bn to SA, $3bn to overseas and $3bn to interstate
$26bn to maintain: $13bn each for NSW and WA
For Submarine ($50bn)
$33bn to maintain: $11 each for SA, NSW and WA
$17bn to build: if build overseas: $16bn to overseas and $1bn to Australia, if build local, $10bn to SA, $4bn to overseas and $3bn to interstate.
So that may explain where's the cost "fluctuation" comes from.
IMHO, I take it all with a grain of salt as to me it does sound like the reporter is a bit bias towards local build. It assumed the cost to build and maintain will cost the same regardless if it is offshore or local. It also mixed the submarine build into the continuous build scheme, which are not true.
But not matter what, it is awfully few money would go to Vic.