Because we flew mostly defensive and offensive counter air and escort missions, at which the F-111 wouldn't have been much chop...While searching online for information re: RAAF F111's, I came across a site for a free novel called Vostok Station. But the link to download no longer works.
I was wondering if anyone has read it and where it might still be available.
The plot as described sounds a bit like an APA wet dream. (Super RAAF F111 fights through soviet and chinese military to save the world).
But I'll try it anyway because techno-thrillers about the ADF are few and far between.
The question I was origanly looking up is why were the F18's sent to the Gulf War and not the F111's.
On paper the F111 was a far better strike aircraft. It's heavier weapon load and longer loiter time seem to be better suited for the missions that were flown.
Was there an initial fear of air to air combat with Iraq. Or was it simply to tap into the American supply chain.
Strike was a long way down the list of priorities for that mission.