"All the cost" meant the bulk of the cost, a CVF would be OTS, and in production. You could build more Enforcer/Bays but it is low profile and we have just sold one. We have access to the Points.
Design is still not the bulk of the cost of a CVF. It isn't like building two or three jet fighters, where design & development would be over 90% of the cost. Even for a single ship of that size & complexity, construction is the majority of the cost: it's a complicated & expensive ship. An additional vessel, following on from the two building, wouldn't cost much less than the original (pre building delays) price of each one.
What do the Bays & Points have to do with an Enforcer LHD as an Ocean replacement? The Points are miltarised freighters, & the Bays are for logistics, carrying reinforcements & supplies to follow up an amphibious landing. What we're talking about is something for amphibious assault, with a through deck so that it can launch a lot of helicopters. Enforcer is a family of designs with common elements, not just the Bay class - and the family includes LHDs.
Nor is an Enforcer LHD the only option. There are completely OTS options, e.g. Juan Carlos I & its modified version the Canberra class, the Mistral & Dokdo classes, the new Japanese 22DDH 'destroyer', now that they're allowing exports, & by the time your hypothetical 3rd CVF would be building, probably an Italian LHD. There are also outline designs which would need detailed design work: the already mentioned Enforcer LHD, designs from TKMS & BAe (the latter based on the Ocean hull), & the not-yet-detailed Fincantieri design that the Italians want to build. Any of those could replace Ocean for a fraction of the price of a CVF, & some could also lily-pad F-35B.