Maybe it's cheaper/easier to use GTs coupled to the shaft for high speed than to put them through an electric drive? There must be some reason behind a move away from full IEP.
APART from costs, IMHO it comes down to a few factors.
The main parts of the T45 IFEP (drive motors / GT's / Diesel Genny's / shafts), takes up a WHOLE LOTTA REAL ESTATE, add to this the x2 switchboard rooms, the routing of the High Voltage cabling & the splitting of the electrical supplies down into manageable areas within the ship, added to the other ancillary systems need such as cooling, etc You're probably close to a WHOLE 2 decks & about 1/3rd of the total weight of the ship.
Yes T23 is probably comparable in the scale of things, HOWEVER, there's not the same amount of space available, so Logically, if they DID shoe-horn T45's IFEP into T26, there'd be NO ROOM for the rest of the equipment, accommodation & abilities that they want in the hull, for being able to cover all the roles & tasks that they want T26 to do.
Additionally, having the wet-deck / boat ramp area at the rear means that shaft routing / engine placement is critical. The rules & regulations of what can & cannot be situated next to fuel tanks / engine rooms / shaft lines also limit layout.
It's no wonder that the ship size (GRT) which was originally supposed to be around 4,000, is now estimated to be closer to 6,000.