This is the whole point Toby, you have not understood my original post which has resulted in page after page of posts that have gone way off track. Myself and others have not dismissed the HDW design, how can we when there are very little details about it in the public domain.I presume whether the German HDW Type216 may be suitable for Australia? While it may not, I shall await seeing the designs before I dismiss it. Others have already dismissed it without even a glance, much less studying it.
Interesting video:
Defence plans Collins class replacement - YouTube
My original post was pointing out to the proponents and media in general who keep up this crazy notion of OTS Euro subs. They do not meet our requirements, straight and simple. That does not mean we are bagging them or calling them crap platforms, they are just not what we need. And I was hightlighting a comment from Abe that if a company like HDW are offering an upsized version of their sub, they know OTS is not even being looked at by the RAN.
Re-read the post, take it in context and you will see what we are trying to say. If you are wondering why people seem to be having a go at you, how about when people on here try and point out your misunderstanding of a post, instead of getting defensive and reading to much into it, go over the posts and if you still think you may have it wrong, ask a question ? quote specific sentences and ask for clarification, then we continue on with the discussion
Edit: With regards to the video you posted from the ABC, you obviously don't know about the ABC ? List every point you would like to make about comments in the video and discuss and myself and others (including people in the know) will correct every misleading statement in that story. Here is the first one for you :
"The Navy had to replace out of date combat systems" ? Really does a statement like this even need to be pulled apart ?