I totally agree, an additional LHD is the only thing that makes sense to me for budget increase. I was just wondering aloud if there were any other viable potential options for the increased funding.Seriously doubt a ship like a San Antonio would be considered, yes its in the $ range of the new budget allowance, but then we would end up in the situation of another totally separate class of ship to support and maintain, plus the crewing which, I believe, is around another 100 more than a Canberra LHD.
All good points, the detail will be very interested to see how this one goes.The LCH budget top end going from $300m to $500m could mean an even larger and more capable vessel than originally planned, or could it be extra hulls? (the LCH were originally a class of 8, with two given to PNG many years back), or it could just be a bit more "rubber" room in the budgeting allocation.
Interesting to see whats in the "detail" of these projects when the DCP is updated and released.
Either way it looks like we are seeing a definate upgrade in amphibious capability.