The Mod is just trying to get the price down , BAE wanted £500m per hull the Mod wants to pay max £300m per hull.
From what I hear they will be built in 3 Batch's of 4 and yes the Mod wants 13 but will only get funding for 12 .
And 4 of could be Diesel powered to save costs.
The Royal Navy wants a strong ASW fit after losing Nimrod Mr4.
The Air Defence side will not be great as thats what Type 45 is there for.
It will only have 12 SAM'S in a c2 unit.
Puma Boy, I L O V E your figures.....
Can you tell me which leprachaun you tortured get them?:dbanana
I've not heard anything like this being bandied about anywhere in the Industry, or seen anything similar in any reputable magazine article or on military information website.
Can you quote your source / reference the website, or news article, so that we can all read it in awe of your knowledge???
For instance....
More Details on Type 26 | Think Defence
(the article is now 14 months old, but contains lots of information that has come directly from 'the horses' mouth i.e. UK Govt / MoD / BAE).
The building in batches of 3 might be a go-er but I wouldn't count on it, as it's W A Y - T O O - E A R L Y to be speculating about such things.
Semi-Known / Agreed Facts :
#1. Ship design has went from being C1 - C3 (with circa 25 - 30 hulls), to just GCS - (Global Combat Ship) (with circa 16 - 18 hulls MAX) (Although IMHO we'll be lucky to get 12).
#2. The MoD (I believe), have opted to go down the GCS route, as it means that others would be getting a "very similar design to the RN" (probably at a similar cost, but that depends on the weapons fit, training, spares, etc), with the idea being that the likes of Canada, Australia, India, Brazil, UK & anyone else who wants to join in, can have a similar hull type / shape, being built on a "production line" type format, so that 'X' amount of engines, Radars, command systems, etc are purchased from a manufacturer as a 'job-lot', thus reducing overall costs due to 'buying-in-bulk'.
#3. The DESIGN has not been agreed / formalised / ratified by ANYONE, & until it does, we can only SPECULATE, till either the MoD / UK Govt / BAE come out & say the job is done.
As for 4 ships running on diesel, you're wrong !
They'll ALL run on diesel, just like most ships today.
If however, you're implying that there will be no Gas Turbines in the hull layout, or that they're going for an all electric propulsion system; then again, NO-ONE has a clue, as nothing has been decided....
As for the ASW angle, I'd have to say that you might just (by accident ??), be onto something. After all a ship that will allegedy have a Bow sonar & x2 towed arrays, would be assumed to be an EXCELLENT platform to use for ASW.
Finally, your 12 SAM's issue...
Well I'd follow that it's more likely to be in multiples of 4, so 12, 36 or even 48 might be more appropriate. Experience from having being on lots of different ships & looking at what has went before / been built across the globe, would indicate the methodology & my reasoning...
Would anyone like to add anything / amicably discuss / correct my comments ??
I would appreciate ANY comments that help continue the discussion....