xudeen, welcome to the forum. No one else has responded as prior posts have dealt with your question below.
Gremlin29 has said that DU in of itself is not a radiological hazard. So I would imagine that DU armor in day-to-day use is not a health hazard. Further, eckherl (who is American and an expert in this field) previously mentioned in another thread (see posts #544 and #546) that:Well, what about the DU armor in the M1A1? Is that a health hazard for the crew?
If I read the quotes above correctly, American M1s have an armour protection advantage against current Russian made KE projectiles. I'm sure that the Russians are working hard to improve their next generation KE projectiles.eckherl said:...Du inserts are used to off set the performance of certain projectiles....
Due to the health and environmental risks associated with a potential battle kill is what has kept everyone else from using it, destroyed M1s with Du plating have to be handled quite differently versus other destroyed vehicles.
What composite material is currently fielded that offers better density and protection levels over Du plates? Even Russia has stated that M1 series tanks with this protection level is a challenge with their current KE projectiles.
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