by the time India finally gets its IAC into service (who knows if Gorshkov will even get transferred), China will already have 2 operational carriers. Based on their current naval fighter program schedule, it's hard for this not to happen. A lot of this is on my blog.
From no carrier to 2 by 2020?
IAC might be floating around but it will take time to get it operational.
IN had to go to USN for arrested recovery training on a aircraft carrier, the concept of an aircraft carrier seems to be more about a aircraft landing on a ship moving in all directions, more than the carrier ship.
The naval fighters(Mig-29Ks) will be here before the IAC.
India has experience operating a small, archaic carrier with no real escort fleets. That's different from operating a large, modern carrier with full blown escorts. At this moment, China already has all of the escort fleets ready and stationed in Sanya. 2 052C/2 054A/2 093/887. In many ways, it can theoretically practice long range operations with 071 (acting as some what of a expeditionary strike force).
I have not seen the 2 052C/2 054A/2 093/887 you mention operate in a aircraft carrier strike group, they might have to fit in once the aircraft carrier comes along, and the Indian aircraft carrier program is not an exclusive one, many programs will become operational along with the carrier.
Obviously its different and calling the ships in IN as no real escorts is a very cocky thing, especially in the region IN operates in.(No soviet fleet to sink).
again, operating an old carrier with a limited number of STOVL plane off a ski-jump with no capable escort is different from operating a 60K tonne CATOBAR aircraft carrier with 30+ heavy naval fighter + fix winged AEW surrounded by modern escorts. They have thoroughly studied multiple carriers, they are actually cutting their own steel, getting most of the components from their domestic suppliers and have far more capable shipyards.
Well this mythical 60K tonne CATOBAR aircraft carrier with 30+ heavy naval fighter + fix winged AEW that you mention is not going to serve with the IN in near future.
IN will operate a 37K STOBAR aircraft carrier with 12+4 medium air defence fighters and helicopters (30 aircrafts in total). The STO part as you mention is not new, and for BAR part IN is utilizing many resources from around the world.
How has PLA-N thoroughly studied multiple carriers and selected a design without operating one in its entire history, (cutting open ships seems like a different thing from operating them).
PLA-N should ask the French about the experience they had with a the current carrier, it will be immensely helpful. As its seems to me to be the only operational medium CATOBAR carrier with a modern fighter planes squadron, and AEW planes out side of the USN super carriers,
They had to get the CAT tech. from USA (USN Type C13 catapult) along with the AEW planes (E-2C Hawkeye) which would have saved them a lot of time and money. Even after installation resources from US were utilized
Utilizing firms from other nations which have a lot of experience designing the type of ships IN is looking for is a good thing and not a disadvantage, sourcing parts from other nations is required, delays will happen if at any stage a supplier is unable to meet a deadline, however the effect on the program can only be known after the program is over, not before.
Comparison of IN and PLA-Ns aircraft carrier programs is an academic exercise(if PLA-N is indeed going for CATOBAR), both have different doctrines and both have different areas of operation.