Well lets start with today. The PAK-FA doesn't exist today. It will only have it's first prototype flight next year, and production is planned at 2015 at the earliest. Today Russia can't match the F-22; you're right. But you really have very little if any grounds for critiqueing the PAK-FA. Mainly because you know nothing about it, other then that it will be a 5th gen. multirole fighter.
In which regard, will it be a 5gen fighter? because its stealth? 30 year old conecpt? or because the Russians says so?
Look here, because an military aviation company, starts a program in 2000, and include stealth features in the design does NOT make it a "5gen" fighter. this is whats wrong on these forums.
its like saying Iran Pakistan are able to make a 5gen fighter becuase of these to factors.
and the worst thing of all, is, ppl actually thinks it will be superior to europes 4++ and equal to americans 5gen
i dont care if China and Russia says their programs develope 5gen fighters, when you don't need to be rocket scientist to figure out, their technology aint cutting edge.
in Chinas case, its obvious,
in Russia case, the lack of funding in the 90s and early 20s gaved Russia a setback. in military in general.
but hey i dont know. but this is a forum. and pretty much everyone in here, write what they think. jesus no one can be to sure about F-35 capabilities either. of that simply reason we can only rely on LMs marketing department.
Russias 4 gen fighters are uphotted/trimmed 3gen fighters, with huge setbacks because of lack of funding. and you tell me they in matter of years just will make a superior 5gen when they didnt manage to make a superior 4 gen??