What is your favourite looking post war warship, mine is the rebuilt Victorious I loved the look of it after the rebuild, i thought all the rebuilt british carrier looked nice. I also liked the County class destroyer's.
Since this is clearly one of those threads which invites exact answers, here they are:
Carriers: Clemenceau and Foch - long, sleek, beautiful lines.
Cruisers: USS Long Beach - beautiful hull, menacing armaments, futuristic conning tower. First post-war ship (carriers excluded) which wouldn't look out of place even today, almost 50 years later.
Destroyers: British County-class. Sleek lines.
Frigates and corvettes: A lot of good candidates. I settle for Soviet Riga-class, very nice looking ship with beautiful hull.
Submarines: Definitely one of the Soviet subs with futuristic conning tower. I'll take Victor-III as it has the nice teardrop-shaped thingie on top of it's rudder.
Small combatants: Soviet OSA-class. Beautiful hull, missile tubes are well integrated and the gun armament isn't creating a clutched appearance.
As you see, 1950's and 1960's are my style
IMHO, it's only post-cold war that warships began to get the attractiveness back.