BTW, what the planned total number of tanks, US expect to have in next 10 years? If it isnt classified of course.
The Russian tank chief now declared Russia till 2020 plans to have T-90's in relatve number of 50% tank fleet . It's in different modifications, including the future upgrades. The rest 50% - will be allocated for 'the new gen tank' and old T-72/T-80 inventory till its lifespan is gone. The planned annual production of T-90 is as 150-250 starting from 2009. The planned annual
production of 'T-95' (or how it will be named) is unclear. So in my crude estimation and regards 25 years of avarage tank life, it might mean between 5,000 and 7,500 tanks in active service (now as 13,000). Also Russia is certainly going towards 'high-low' combination, while T-90s and older T-80/T-72 with mimimal upgrade will be used against low-tech enemy, supposedely as 'anti-infantry' tanks with anti shaped charge and mine defence.
In addition some T-90 pics from Malaysian tender: